Working with your friend - 7岁,跟一个死党朋友分分合合忒纠结
I know it is hard,
But I need to do it.
I wished I could take a break.
But I had to admit.
When we were friends we had fun.
Then we fought in heart-broken veins.
I worked at a different place.
But then came back face to face.
We together work hard,
with a smiling face.
Together we never go apart.
Books – 7岁,喜欢看书了。实话,真的没逼她。
I like to read books.
I don’t care how it looks.
It might be flat,
It might be fat.
It might take me somewhere,
That I am not prepared.
I like to read stories,
All waiting for me.
I like to read stories about cats,
And magazines about mats.
I hope you learn how to read.
It’s easy like planting a seed.
You and I see – 8岁,明白凡事都在运动中变化的道理了。
Once you saw a rose grow,
It was high now low.
Didn’t notice a birdie could fly,
Now it’s in the blue sky.
I saw a snake go,
Watched a duck get low.
You weren’t seeing
That I was being.
Know that God’s glory is here.
There is nothing to fear.
You and I have memories,
That don’t fade easily.
Dreams – 8岁,慢慢长夜自己做手工数绵羊,不再找爸妈抱抱睡觉了。
When there is a nightmare,
You wake up and stare.
Can’t go back sleep,
But to count sheep.
Still can’t go back,
Get up and pack.
You fall awake,
A necklace to make.
Can’t at your pace?
Have a little race.
SNAP! It is lightning.
Out is pouring.
Still can’t sleep?
Go on, count sheep.
Feeling – 9岁,惭愧,我到初中才知道啥叫自卑
Sometimes I feel,
Like iron steel,
Sometimes I feel
Like banana peel.
Steel is for strong,
Peel is for thrown along.
Feel like championship,
Feel like no friendship.
Everyone can feel
But not like a banana peel
Summer Nights – 9岁,仲夏夜之歌,开始发挥想象了。小小年纪就有遁世之兆。
Days are bright,
and nights are long.
But everything still ----
composing a song,
Use all their might
to pursue a note.
Birds and people,
Cricket and moles.
But in a distance,
I’ll be listening a boat,
On a peaceful river,
eyes closed…
Letting notes float,
around and around,
wherever the river goes.
I wish for a day – 10岁,会用排比句了,诗艺又进一步
I wish for a day,
that will forever stay.
a day that is glad,
a day not at all sad.
I hope for a day,
that will always stay.
a day with true dreams,
a day with real meanings.
I will make this day appear,
that will never disappear.
a day with juicy, fruit, food,
a day that will give fresh mood.
I wish for that day
that I can thrive,
I am waiting…
for this day to arrive.
A Day Visit – 10岁,今年九月中秋平湖秋钓的时候写的,知道环保,美国小学教育还是很成功的。
The Sunny rays show.
The soft breezes blow.
The clouds move left to right.
The green leaves take flight.
The sky is light blue.
And the water is gleaming too.
All this I can see,
and feel it around me.
But all this I cannot take,
for it belongs to the lake.
岩子 (2013-01-16 10:53:17) |
被震撼了。。。 收藏回家了。。。 为小诗祈福。。。 |
若敏 (2013-01-16 17:10:12) |
我们都在为小诗祈福!谢谢岩子。 |
雨林 (2013-01-17 00:45:01) |
小诗的病牵动着大家的心,这些诗写得真好。 |
若敏 (2013-01-17 02:16:32) |
特别可爱的女孩!希望奇迹发生。 |
海云 (2013-01-17 04:56:29) |
我只读了第一首,止不住眼泪,不敢读下去。我会为小诗祷告。 |
予微 (2013-01-28 04:19:43) |
鼓起勇气来读,被小诗的勇气鼓舞,为小诗祷告! |