Writing Situation: You are home babysitting your little brother. When you go out to get the paper, the door shuts and locks. Your baby brother is alone inside. Tell what you do.
Directions for Writing: Before you begin to write, think about what you and your brother might do if this happened. Now write a story about you and your brother's experiences.
Yesterday, I was in monumental incident. I was really frightened, but I still stayed halcyon. That was how I got though the contretemp.a
My parents left me home to take care of my baby brother. When they left my brother was still sleeping like a hybernating bear. I saw that no one had retrived the mail. So I go out as quiet as a mouse. I did that because I didn't want to disturb my wee little brother. As I tip toed out the door made a "creak" then there was a loud "slam!". The door had shut. And since our door was one of those old out of date ones, when it closed it immediately got locked.
I stood there, bewildered. The thought, " I going to be murdered when mom and dad finds out." I tried breaking the window. But when I met it, it was like trying to break titanium with a feather.
I even tried climbing to get to the open window. I fell halfway. I landed in a bush with what seemed like trillion of razor sharp needles. I swear if anyone saw me, They would say, "I saw a green porcipine today!" I soon tried everyting I could. I tried pole vaulting. I hit the wall with a loud "thud!" I even called police, But they were trying to catch a terrorist. I went to my neighbors' house, but they were on vacation. I got tired so I sat on a rock. Crestfallen like a kid down in the dumps. I slowly stand up like a crippled man with no walking stick. I tried opening the door and it open. So in the end I didn't really close the door. Now I am like a hungry wolf that sees a hobbling deer. I shout, "whoopiee!" That's how I got out of that crisis situation.
阿朵 (2012-12-12 05:19:09) |
哈哈哈,这是你家公子的杰作?写的太好玩了,翻译的语言也很俏皮,是小说,就是想像的了?好看! |
予微 (2012-12-12 06:01:28) |
好幽默,活泼生动的语言,非凡的想象力!作家潜力股! |
木桐白云 (2012-12-12 10:13:13) |
有点意识流的手法,幽默的父母基因在新生代身上显现。 |
雨林 (2012-12-12 10:48:35) |
写得真好! |
呢喃 (2012-12-12 14:52:06) |
这小小说写得好极了,对我是个启示,也给我的学中文的学生试一试。 |
panda13 (2012-12-12 17:05:29) |
写得好!让我想起一段我和孩子被锁在门外的经历。。。 |
百草园 (2012-12-12 18:37:42) |
哈,想象力非常丰富,俺琢磨该打911了,结果门根本没锁,结尾出人意料。好文! |
融融 (2012-12-13 00:06:40) |
了不起的小作家! |
西山 (2012-12-13 02:52:38) |
是他5年级时写的,不知道应该往哪儿归类,因为是编的故事,就算小小说吧。替他谢谢阿姨的鼓励! |
西山 (2012-12-13 02:53:58) |
好像这些年下来,就这篇写得好玩,不过也是错别字不少。 |
西山 (2012-12-13 02:55:20) |
这是他们老师教的。我自己都不知道什么是意识流,汗! |
西山 (2012-12-13 02:56:23) |
谢谢雨林鼓励! |
西山 (2012-12-13 02:58:15) |
就是写得很好玩,当时我去开家长会,班主任一边给我念一边笑得前仰后合的。 |
西山 (2012-12-13 02:59:58) |
谢谢大作家的鼓励! |
西山 (2012-12-13 03:01:01) |
孩子的思维天马行空,没有任何约束。 |
西山 (2012-12-13 03:02:55) |
我家儿子常常丢钥匙,大概因为这个,体会深刻,写了篇有意思的作文。 |
老来天真 (2012-12-13 07:37:20) |
好厉害的小子,很有想象力! |
海云 (2012-12-13 10:19:40) |
这篇应该放在我们子女教育文集里,可惜晚了,他们已定稿。下一集吧,很快子女教育第二集要征稿了,你到时给桑妮发过去。 |
西山 (2012-12-14 02:52:27) |
小孩子的想象力,比我强 |
西山 (2012-12-14 02:53:14) |
被前辈这么高看,赶紧念给他听,以资鼓励。 |