这是我几年前写的一篇英文博客, 当时女儿六岁,有个如火如荼的imaginary friend(想像中的朋友), 不亦乐乎。 幸亏当时把她画的画扫描下来几张, 写了这篇博文,否则这样珍贵的记忆就会流逝。 今天给女儿看,她大笑说:“妈妈,我可真不让你省心。" (I gave you so much trouble!)
You always hear about it -- the stage of their childhood where they have imaginary friends. This cute and maybe somewhat annoying stage did not really materialize with my son. With him turning 8 last October, I think I can now safely assume his imaginary friends are never going to visit him. Then there's my daughter Mona. She's got such a good dose of it that she had long made up for her brother and then some. Here's her imaginary friend and her story of it: (我们总是听说小孩会有想像中的朋友。这个可爱并有点烦人的阶段在我儿子小时候并没有出现。 他去年十月就八岁了,我想我可以确定地说他的想像中朋友可能永远也不会拜访我们了。 然后还有我女儿Mona, 她把哥哥的份额也占了还不够。 下边是她想像中朋友的故事:)
Name: Hice (pronounced Haa-tzi) 名字: 哈希
Age: 3 年龄:3岁
Height: 8 inches 身高:8英寸
Address: lives with Mona on Mona's head: 住址:住在Mona头上
There's a place called Hearty Land where all creatures are shaped like hearts. They are called "Hearties". Hice is a hearty: 有一个地方名叫心型王国,那里的人都是心型的,他们叫做”心人“, 哈希就是一个”心人“:
She is also Mona's hearty sister. Mona informed me that she herself has two life forms -- she is a girl and she is a hearty at the same time. Mona was born in Hearty Land by her hearty mother on the same day that I gave birth to her on earth. Mona's Hearty Mother loves her very much and decided to give Mona a hearty sister -- Hice. Mona's Hearty Mother is still alive. She comes to Mona's school to visit her from time to time. Mona can see her Hearty Mother in the school gym, when the sun shines brightly and the small dust particles are dancing in the air. Her Hearty Mother is in there. But most of the time, Mona's Hearty Mother lives in her hearty castle in Hearty Land, and she just sends Hice to keep Mona company on earth. Here's a picture of the Hearty Castle.
(她还是Mona的心人妹妹。 Mona告诉我说,她自己有两个生命 -- 她是个女孩,同时也是一个心人。 Mona在心型王国出生于她的心人妈妈,和我在地球上生下Mona是同一天的事情。 Mona的心人妈妈很爱她,所以给她生了一个心人妹妹--哈希。 Mona的心人妈妈现在还健在。 她会时常到Mona的学校来看Mona。 Mona在学校的健身厅里,当阳光照进来,小小灰尘飞舞的时候,能够在里边看到自己的心人妈妈。 但是大部分时间,Mona的心人妈妈在心型王国的心型宫殿里住,她只是把哈希送到地球上来陪伴Mona。 这是心型宫殿的图片:)
Here's a picture of Mona being born both by her Hearty Mother in the Hearty Hospital in Hearty Land, and by me in a "People Hospital" on earth, at the same time, because a hearty (the one in the middle) yelled "finish", that's when both births took place.
这张画是Mona被心人妈妈在心人医院生出来,同时也被我在”地球人“医院生出来。 中间有一个心人,说”结束“,两个生产过程就这样同时结束了。
Hice is a curious little hearty. She may fly into your mouth just to check it out. So be careful when you eat, because you could bite Hice if you are not careful. Hice shares food with Mona at every meal. It's not polite to only give Mona food and forget that Hice has to eat too. Mona's Hearty Mother feeds Mona when she visits Hearty Land in her dream. So I should feed Hice when Hice is here with us.
(哈希是个好奇的小心人。她可能会飞到你嘴里看个究竟。所以你吃饭的时候要格外小心,否则你会咬到哈希。(天地良心!我因为咬到哈希被女儿斥责了多少回啊!)哈希和Mona共同享用食物。 如果只记得Mona要吃饭而忘记哈希也需要吃饭,那是很不礼貌的。 毕竟在Mona梦游心型王国的时候,Mona的心人妈妈给Mona饭吃,哈希在我们家的时候,你也要给哈希饭吃。)
Hice is famous in Hearty Land. Hearty Land has their own hearty telephone and their own hearty TV. Hice is on all of the hearty telephones and all of the hearty TVs. So I should really treat Hice with some respect.
(哈希在心型王国是个知名人物。 心型王国有自己的心型电话和心型电视。 哈希在所有的电话和电视上露面。所以你还是对哈希礼貌一些为好。)(又是天地良心!我因为对哈希不够礼貌也挨了女儿不少白眼!)
Hice sleeps with Mona, but that doesn't mean Mona won't need additional company. When Mona comes over to Mommy and Daddy's bed at night, please make room for both Mona and Hice.
(哈希跟Mona一起睡觉,但这不说明Mona就不需要另外有人陪。 当Mona夜里到爸爸妈妈床上睡的时候,你们要给Mona和哈希都留出地方。)(我曾经被女儿一巴掌拍醒,说压着了哈希!)
Mona's clothes and hair accessories should match what Hice is wearing for the day.So far Hice likes all of Mona's clothes(Thank God!), but next time when I go shopping I should really take Hice along for advice. (Mona每天的衣服和头饰要和哈希当天的穿戴颜色一致。 至今为止,哈希对Mona的衣服还算喜欢(谢天谢地!),但是下次你去商场买东西,你应该带着哈希,让她提些建议。)
这样的妖蛾子,除了六岁孩子,谁想的出来? 把我和我老公整的,如履薄冰,经常嘀咕:哈希咋还在咱家住着啊? 现在想起,非常珍贵!
予微 (2012-10-01 06:01:37) |
超有趣的想象力,天才的小画家!那笔画,顺畅自然充满童真! |
雨林 (2012-10-01 11:50:28) |
童心和爱心,都需要呵护和珍惜。孩子好幸运,有这样的好妈妈陪着一起长大。 |
西山 (2012-10-01 12:15:59) |
六岁英文故事就写这么好!牧童家养了个小天才啊! |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 12:20:22) |
这英文中文都是俺写的, 她画的画。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 12:22:14) |
谢谢予微! 小孩的画笔是没有羁绊的,自然的画笔。 那时候我们没有请老师教画,就让她天马行空。现在跟老师学了,反而循规蹈矩了。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 12:24:12) |
幸运的是我,有这样的机会重新过一次美好童年。 我的童年在文革末期的残酷和贫穷中度过,孩子的童心就弥显珍贵! |
木桐白云 (2012-10-01 12:28:20) |
童心可贵! |
天地一弘 (2012-10-01 13:38:14) |
童话的王国,王国里的小仙女,想象真是一个美好的乐园。 |
panda13 (2012-10-01 16:02:33) |
哈哈,我倆孩子都玩过这 game,不过女儿玩得更多。她有将近600个布偶,每个都有自己的名字。都摆出来,正经是一个营呢! |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 17:18:16) |
布偶好歹是有形的实体,起码不会你吃饭的时候孩子突然说你咬到她的朋友了,“她刚刚飞到你嘴里!” 或者睡觉的时候压到,或者。。。。。 哈哈! |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 17:19:05) |
是很美好! 我也佩服女儿的想象力,我说什么也想不出这套来。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 17:19:42) |
但愿父母都保护孩子的童心! |
henrysong (2012-10-01 20:34:20) |
可爱的Mona! |
林玫phoenix (2012-10-01 22:35:30) |
别说我的孩子了,就我自己,到现在还经常自言自语,然后神不知鬼不觉地就进入另外一个时空了,我家人都知道我有这个毛病,一发现我好久不吱声发呆,就赶紧喊:妈妈!你走神了! 你们家宝贝看样子是学文科的料。 |
海云 (2012-10-02 01:32:09) |
想象力丰富!我的儿子小的时候老爱玩世界大战的假象场景,一只手拿一支玩偶,相互打来打去,念念有词。女儿则多是画画,连环的,各种各样的故事...... 我也爱编故事,所以写小说写得特别舒畅。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-02 01:48:34) |
这丫头人小鬼大,故事一箩筐。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-02 01:49:54) |
我跟你一样, 经常自己出神,还面带笑容呢。 我女儿继承了我,估计以后是学文科的。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-02 01:51:00) |
这其实是一个神给的礼物,能编故事,有这个想象力,真的很难得。 |
铃铛 (2012-10-02 03:07:20) |
你的宝贝女儿太可爱了!!!!! 我女儿也是这类的,特费神:)如今10岁了,但每天睡觉前还要跟十几个目前受宠的stuff animals聊一阵子,最后要从里头挑一个今晚陪她进被窝,。。。而这些小动物都有它们的名字,生日,爱好。。。哎呦! |