Susan著 小哭译
好吧,最后说说我对这个读后感的综合感受,我没有产生要去借书回来一读的冲动。真的没有。可是,我昨天刚刚把那本《钟 》的书给借了回来,准备读读。我也有心读完《钟》后,去把《月亮团队》这本也借回来读读。
I have a problem. A pretty big problem.
I just finished this book, ‘Matched’, and now, I really really really want to write abook review about it. But, I’ve already dedicated two very long paragraphs to the book in my last piece of writing, ‘Dear Diar 2’, so now, I’m not sure how to proceed. A lot of the stuff I’ll write about might be repeating what I wrote earlier, but there’ll be a lot of new things too. So, sorry if some parts of this seems to be a bit repetative.
‘Matched’. I love that book! It’s became one of my favorite books ever. One of them. Currently, it’s competing for number one with my favorite book ever, ‘Eona’. The interesting thing is, both or them are not single books, meaning there are books that came before or after them. ‘Eona’ is the sequel to the wonderful (but not as wonderful as Eona) book, Eon. Matched is the first book in a triology. Another thing thing they have in common is, I own both of the books. I have them on my bookshelf, next to eachother. Eona I got from my teacher, Matched I got from the library. They are very different books, but I love them both. In different ways, of course. Other than those similarities, they can not be any different.
This book review isn’t about Eona, it’s about Matched. The setting in Matched is of a utopian/dystopian community, called the Society. Aparently, it’s set in the future. Unlike a lot of u/d (utopian/dystopian) communities I’ve read about in books, the Society doesn’t use a lot of super-advanced technology. They do have a lot of advanced softwares that we don’t have today, but I’m sure if someone actually bothered to try and make one of those, they can. No one would bother to, though. I’m sure of that. There are more techonology, though. Every house has a port, a highly advanced screen/computer thing (monitored by Officials). Everyone carries around tablets that causes 12-hour memory loss. But nothing super advanced like mind control or climate control.
The Society have a lot of information. A LOT of information. They observe their citizens, day and night, even monitor their dreams. That way, they can know what’s best for them. Each individual don’t know too much. They only know about the certain subject they’re trained in. But overall, the Society have lots and lots of information. A lot of statistics too. That’s what they use for their choices—statistics. “It is reported that statistically, the best age for conceiving children is twenty-three”. And guess what? The Society would plan for people to marry at twenty-one, so they would have children at about twenty-three. And no more childbirth once they reach thirty-nine, because it is reported that there are very high risks of miscarriage over that age. Or thiry-six. I can’t remember. But you get the idea. Everything is based on statistics.
Like most u/d communities, the Society decides everything for you. Who you love, where you work, when you die (that’s written in huge letters on the back of the book). Literally. But unlike most u/d books, Matched doesn’t annoy me as much. It was captivating, which most u/d books fail to do for me. They usually annoy the hell out of me because of how messed up their society is and how everyone too stupid to do anything about. Matched doesn’t annoy me like that.
I think one reason is because the Society is the closest to utopia I have every seen. It’s almost perfect. Almost. I mean, having the officials choose isn’t really too bad. The usually always make good decisions, because they have statistics from the past and information from the present to help them decide for the future. It’s a pretty good combination, really. The people in that world actually love, have real friends, feel real feelings, and live really happy lives. They’re not brianwashed either. They can think, and think pretty well. They do a lot of the things we do today. Someone can almost get to like that kind of life. You eat just the right amount of nutritions for you, exercise just the right amount, have perfect health, perfect marriage, perfect life, even perfect death. You die, at the best age for death (from statistics), surrounded by family and friends, and don’t have to suffer for an instant. And, you have some tissue samples of yourself preserved just in case they can bring you back with techonology in the future. A perfect life. All the way, from beginning to end. No lie. Who wouldn’t like that?
Like I said, you can almost get to like that kind of life. So can I. It doen’t seem bad. The Officials seems to have their citizens best interests at heart, everything’s perfect. The only thing that really ticks me off, and also ticks Cassia, the main character, off too, is the fact that you don’t have much choices. Sure, everything the officials choose are right and perfect, but it’s act of making the choice that’s important, not the actual choice. You don’t get to choose who to marry. That’s all decided for you. Even though it’s the best person possible for you… you still want to be able to choose, right? Actually, that doesn’t really make me too mad. If all their choices are right, that’s great. But sometimes their choices aren’t.
It’s easy to decide about something when you know everything. But when you’re dealing with something unknow…then, you may make the wrong decision. It’s easy to keep everything under control when you control everything. But if an outside factor comes in… it’s not so easy. That unknown thing, that outside factor… you’d think they don’t, and never will, exist. But they do. People.
People are not toys. They’re not lab experiments. They’re not like an object you can play around with, and do with them whatever you want. You don’t experiment on one person so you know what’s best for another. But that’s what the Society’s doing. They don't treat people like actual people. That’s the worst thing, in my opinion. The high-level Officials treat them like objects. They even treat themselves like objects, like machines. Predictable, unchangable, trackable, shallow. But humans aren’t machines! They think, they create, they aren’t objects that should follow statistics and fact. That’s the part of life the Society is missing.
Creation. The Society desperately needs a bit of that. They don’t create anything new. They got rid of everything bad in the past, left everything good, and think they’re achieved perfection. But they haven’t! Things have to change! The Society set up a fairly wonderful environment, and think that things can remain that way forever. But that’s not true! They’re missing the very essence of life! Creation! They need new things! New ideas, new futures! Things can’t remain the same forever! That’s not living. That’s… surviving. Not living.
(This reminds me of a quote in The Necromancer, Book Two in the Secrets of Nicholas Famel. Awesome book, loved it. A guy said to his friend, who never takes risks and never do anything fun, who always plays it safe, because he might get killed, literally. The guy tells him “You are not living, you are surviving”. I love that quote.)
So, if the Society was perfect (which it is not, not really), it would be great. Perfect. But it’s not perfect. And it will never achieve perfection. Achieving perfection is a child’s dream. You can try to be better, but you’ll never be perfect. Not in this life, anyway. But this u/d world, the Society, is the actually the closest thing to perfection ever. It didn’t even annoy me a bit, unlike other u/d worlds. That’s one of the reasons I liked the book so much.
Also, I liked it because it’s more than just a utopia/dystopia book. It’s also a romance novel. The most basic plot of the story where everything else steams from is the romance, the love triangle. Cassia’s match (That’s where the title came from!! Everything began when she was matched. Matching happens to everone when they’re sixteen. That’s when the Society tells you who your perfect husband/wife is going to be. Marriage comes at age twenty-one. Usually, matches don’t know eachother, since there are so many cities in the Society that a person’s perfect match is very unlikely to be in their own city) was Xander, a smart, handsome, kind, and amazing boy she’s known for her whole life. Her best friend, actually, the person that know her, inside out. However, right after Xander’s picture appears on her screen, it disapeared, and another face flashed for an instant before the screen fades to black. Ky.
Cassia’s known Ky for a long time too. Ky is from the Outer Provinces (where life is as we know it), and his parents got killed and he got adopted and moved into Cassia’s city. Ky is mysterious and deep. Behind the “totally average” facade that he keeps is a deep well of suffering, love, and knowledge that no one but Cassia knows. She got to know him during the course of the book, after she saw his face as her match. But… Ky’s face appearing on her screen was a mistake. Cassia’s match is still Xander. Why, then, do they love eachother so? Of course, she loves Xander too. She loves both of them, but it’s different, the way she loves them. I won’t spoil the book for you. Let’s just say, things got really complicated. Ky got taken away from Cassia, Cassia decided to break free of the Society… real complicated. Real awesome. What I loved was the fact that neither Xander now Ky got jealous of eachother, not really. They were a little jealous at first, but both understood the gravity of the situation, and tried to make the best of what they could. That’s why I really like both of them. And Cassia, of course.
I hope I’ve explained this book well enough. I just love this book so much! Oh, of course, and there’s the way it looks. The fresh green cover, fading from spring-like green to pale white, with a girl in a green dress inside a transparent, pure, delicate, smooth crystal sphere as the only picture on the cover. It looks absolutely beautiful, best book cover I’ve ever seen. I love the sphere so much. That represents the Society, and the girl is trapped inside. The next book is blue, with the girl punching a few holes in the sphere and the sphere is cracking. The last one, red, is of the girl finally standing up, with glass pieces around her feet. Free at last. The colors are important too. They represent the tablets everyone carries with them. Green, to calm them down when they get anxiety attacks. Blue, to help them survive for days as long as they have water. And red. The one that erases memory.
Please, if possible, read the book. I loved it so much. I really hope you will too. Or maybe not. I don’t know.
Just go read it!
雨林 (2013-09-25 12:08:42) |
读到Susan已经能够阅读和讨论这样深刻的题目,我自己会觉得惭愧。 也许家长可以给她更多的空间让孩子自己去决定一些事情了。 不知这个建议对不对。 |
夕林 (2013-09-25 16:52:31) |
我女儿叫我读了:The giver, 是类似的书,很有意思。谢谢分享。 |
周小哭 (2013-09-25 19:38:28) |
对啊!!!我知道她自己现在在亚马逊上借书,觉得已经根本管不住了啊。如果她愿意分享她的阅读书单,我想可能就算是不错的了。假如我让她觉得不够宽容,她可能连读了什么都不会告诉我。我这两天正想着如何套套话,让她把阅读清单给我看看呢。最好她还能跟我说说读后感,哪怕不写出来也好,至少我可以了解全面一点啊。 |
周小哭 (2013-09-25 19:39:39) |
谢谢分享书单,这是我最喜欢的东西!我马上就在网上预订,看看Susan 是否也会喜欢 |
周小哭 (2013-09-26 01:35:22) |
刚问过Susan,她说七年级上,在橡树园的时候,读过1.5遍,当时写了读后感;转来H村后,七年级下,老师又要他们读了一遍。这次她是跳着读的,没有写过读后感。可是当我一说这本书,她就说有印象,非常地好看,非常好!我已经在网上订了,看来就留给我自己看了:)谢谢分享好书,盼望能够继续分享!! |
夕林 (2013-09-26 13:15:56) |
你真是雷厉风行呀!的确是本好书。我佩服西方作家的想象力。 |