你还爱我吗(Do You Still Love Me)?








伍月觉得老公有点反常,有一天, 她问他:"最近你不咋么说那三个魔力字,你还爱我吗?"


洋老公笑着说:" 我刚刚才吻过你,又从身后搂着你,还把你举起来,如果不爱你,我做那些干什么?"




"那几个字!" 老公戏謔地答复。




"好了,不逗你了。我很高兴你注意到这一点, 最近你总是很忙,我和你说话,你爱理不理,有时即便搭理我,也常常让我难堪, 我想,如果我不常对你说那三个字,你可能会对我好一点。"




“你不觉得这些年我一直在想方设法让你快乐; 并且在不断地琢磨和了解你? 我在想,  我频繁、 随意地向你表达我的爱, 也许在助长你不把我当回事儿。"


"我倒宁愿你不过分用心,照你这样做, 只能适得其反。你以为一个不肯说"我爱你"三个字的男人,会让女人觉得幸福吗?"伍月有点幽怨地说。


伍月想起来是她自己不久前半开玩笑地告诉老公,”如果你不常常地对我说你爱我,我也许会更加珍惜这几个字。” 现在他真的这样做了, 她却一点也不喜欢。她不由地叹了口气。



September 14, 2013 in WA

“Do you still love me”?


It occurred to May that it has been a while since her foreign husband had said “I love you” to her.  It did not bother her at first. Her husband used to say these three magic words so often that she felt that her ears had become calloused.


More than once, she told him:  "If you don't mean it, don't say it."


“I would not say it if I didn’t mean it.”  The silly guy said seriously.


She wondered why he had changed his usual way. One day she asked him: “You have not said those three words for a while.  Do you still love me?”


"I kissed you, I held you from behind and lifted you a few minutes ago.  If I didn't love you, why would I do all of those things?" he said with a smile.


“That's not the same; I need you to say it!”


"it!" The man responded playfully.


"Noyou know what I mean!" May protested affectionately.


"Ok, no more kidding.  I am glad you noticed it.  You have been so busy these days, when I talked to you, you never responded.  Even if you did respond, you gave me a hard time. I figure, if I don't say the magic words often, you might treat me better."


"From when did you learn to play such tricks?" May asked curiously.


“Don't you think I have been trying hard to please you and figure you out all these years?  I thought that maybe by declaring my love too easily and too often I was encouraging you to take me for granted.”


“I'd rather you don't try too hard.  The more you try, the worse it will become. Do you think you can make a woman happy by not telling her you love her?” May said with a little bit of sadness in her voice.

She realized that she herself had told the husband half-jokingly, not long ago, “ If you do not tell me that you love me so often I might value it more.” Now that he is doing it for real, she does not like it at all. She sighed.

September 14, 2013 in WA

木桐白云 (2013-09-15 05:21:33)


外星孤儿 (2013-09-15 06:33:16)


西苇 (2013-09-15 09:04:03)


飘尘永魂 (2013-09-15 11:00:34)


雨林 (2013-09-15 13:53:39)



Sujuan (2013-09-15 16:48:06)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 01:00:04)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 01:03:30)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 01:05:50)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 01:08:28)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 01:35:04)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 21:38:24)


谢谢 Sujuan 点评,问好!

西山 (2013-09-16 02:17:04)



panda11 (2013-09-16 16:04:42)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 19:02:18)


春山如笑 (2013-09-16 17:28:41)
