



By Susan






最近,我父母一直在对比整形牙医诊所,想找一家性价比最好的。最后,我们选定了奥克.布鲁克矫牙诊所,那是我最喜欢的一间。我很高兴能够选择这一间,因为它的设施看起来更干净、气氛更友好 ,觉得更高级,并且整体上比另外那两间都好。昨天,我去那儿做了牙模(那是他们给你照完X光片和压完你的牙印儿后,给你准备牙套时要用的)。今天,我去那戴牙套。很快,对吧?








然而,尽管有着相当不错的医生和干净明亮的环境,戴牙套还是一件非常不舒服的事儿。我不得不把嘴张开一个多小时!是的,有个工具会帮着扒开嘴唇,但是一直打开下巴对我而言也很辛苦。还有另一个问题——口水。是的,虽然一直有吸管在吸走嘴里的水, 可是还会有一些口水流到我的嗓子里,我不得不一直忍着想嗯口水的冲动。


















当然,疼还是有,但有点麻木了。我开始有点习惯了,非常小的一点点。那个在疼痛时可以使用的、用温盐水清洗牙的小尖头工具根本不管用,它只是让疼痛更加强烈了。所以, 我放弃了医生给的建议手册,开始上网搜索。我找到了几个事实。一,这个疼痛只能用止疼类药物去缓解,这搞得我很伤心;二,在我的牙彻底适应前,这种疼痛会持续一个星期,这令我感到更糟糕;三,这是个很正常的过程,而且每一个戴牙套的人都会有这种感觉,这又使我感觉好多了。我的意思是,如果一半的美国人都能从这个过程中活下来的话,为什么我不能呢?




不管怎么样,我很惊讶于尼尔也戴过牙套。当然,他戴的是透明的牙套,但你还是能够看到金属丝。如果再靠近点看,你也能看到牙套。这使我意识到,牙套并不会改变你是谁,它只会让你的微笑更迷人。它们不再象我以前以为的那么显眼了。尼尔带了一年半,我从来就没有注意到过! 还有,他好像已经是十九岁还是二十岁了,所以我根本没必要觉得自己在十三岁时戴牙套已经很老了!至少,如果尼尔戴着牙套还可以带给全世界一个可爱的微笑,那我也能!读了一篇关于尼尔和他的牙套的文章,让我对自己的感觉好了很多,也让我觉得跟他靠近了很多。










刚才我在翻译时,突然间想到,下个月去看矫形牙医时,应该把这个文章打印一份带过去!以我自己当老师的经验来看,我是很希望看到工作反馈的;同理,一个好的医生,也必然想知道病人的感受。事实上,这个医生在一周后曾经专门打电话给Susan了解过情况 ,那时Susan已经适应了。从这个电话来看,我们也算是遇到了一个挺负责任的医生。








*Insert random groan of pain*


I never knew braces can hurt so much! I just got them this afternoon, and at first, I felt okay, other than the fact that there’s foreign metal in my mouth, but now… ugh. It’s approaching evening, and my teeth feels like they’re being pulled out at the roots. Right now, I’m not going to say a word about how silly braces look, or about how much work it takes to clean them. All I care about is if there is any way to make the pain go away. Distraction always works. So, I’ll distract myself by going over how I got my braces.


Lately, my parents have been going through orthodonists to find one that has the best pricing and the best services. Finally, we decided on Oak Brook Orthodonics, the one I liked the best. I’m glad we chose that one, because its facilities seems cleaner, friendlier, more advanced, and just generally better than all the other ones. Yesterday, I went there to get my records done (that’s when they take x-rays and impressions of your teeth to make braces for you). Today, I went there to get my braces. Pretty fast, huh?


Before I got my braces on, I spent a lot of time wondering about them. Will I like them? What will they look like on my mouth? What color elastics should I get? What foods will I not be able to eat? I wondered and thought, and usually, my thoughts lead nowhere, just to a jumbled mass of confused feelings.


I wasn’t sure how to feel about getting braces. I felt a little unhappy, because braces would just complicate my life. I didn’t like the responsibilities that it would bring, the careful cleaning of the teeth, and the way that I wouldn’t be able to eat some foods that I like. I also felt nervous. Would braces look really, really bad on me? Or would they go unnoticed? Would I look ugly with braces? Also, I felt strangly excited. Just a tiny, tiny bit. It has to do with the fact that getting braces would be something so entirely new that I’ve never done before. Something so foreign that I can’t even imagine what it would be like. It would be fun, kind of, because then I would finally know what getting braces is like. And of course, my teeth will look way straighter than it is now in about a year and a half.


So, today, I went to the orthodonist, and got my braces on. I really like the doctors’ attitudes. They were not too talkative (there are these doctors that talk too much and make too many jokes and ask you too much about your personal life that it gets uncomfortable talking witht them), they were not dead silent (there are also these other doctors that hardly talk at all, and only does it when they really, really need to. It always leaves you wondering if they’re angry at you or something, and it’s really uncomfortable being in there company), they were just right! I felt really relaxed and comfortable with them, and they were very gentle and understanding, and not judgemental at all. I’m glad I have them to take care of my teeth.


Still, with the really awesome doctors and the clean-and-shiny environment, it was very uncomfortable getting the braces. I had to open my mouth for more than an hour! Yes, there were these things that helps stretch open my lips, but the act of keeping my jaw open was still up to me. There was also another problem—saliva. Sure, there were these suction things that suck the moisture out of my mouth, but some does get down to my throat, and I had to constently resist the urge to swallow. Swallowing wouldn’t be a good idea with all that equipment in my mouth. However, surprisingly, I got over the discomfort very fast.


A few minutes into the treatment, I started to relax, and I began to get the hang of “not feeling” the awkward sensations in my mouth. It’s not really that bad, nothing too painful, just uncomfortable. And I also felt helpless knowing that the awkward sensation would continue for at least an hour. After a few minutes, though, I started to find peace. I was already tired from not being able to fall asleep last night (It was so hot and stuffy, and I felt like I had a cold. In short, it was an awful night), so relaxing wasn’t hard. The tickeling sensation at my throat and that constant nagging of my instint to spit all that stuff out of my mouth soon became very easy to tune out. My thoughts wandered all over the place in that hour (I still listened to the doctor’s instructions, of course). Strangely, while I thought so much about getting braces the previous few days, when I was finally in the process of getting them, I didn’t think much about them at all. I was mostly thinking of a book I was reading, and then soon settled into not thinking at all. It was very relaxing.


Finally, when they rose me up again with my braces secure in my mouth, I started thinking about the braces again. They felt huge. They felt awful. They felt like they were taking over my mouth, and succeding too. Basically, the way braces work is: there are these thing that are glued onto your teeth, about 1/2 cm. across and 1/3 cm high. Then, usisng tiny colored elastic bands, a wire, a single wire in the shape of an arch, is attached to your top row of teeth, and another to your bottom row. Since my teeth are crooked, the perfect arch of the thin wire have to bend to connect to each of the things that are glued into my mouth. Then, the wire will try to bend back into its original form, and in about a year and a half, it will, and my teeth will follow, resulting in perfect teeth. The end.


 That’s the basics of how braces work. Of course, there are important minor issues like cleaning and monthly check-ins, but the most fundamental way of how they work I’ve described up there. I just figured it that out today. You’d think someone would’ve told me. The doctors told me the complicated stuff, leaving me to wonder about where the force fixing the teeth actually come from, until I finally figured it out today. Anyway, where was I? Right, getting braces. The doctor put some sort of glue on my back teeth, and now my teeth won’t close entirely. That was so I wouldn’t bite down on my braces, but it felt fairly awkward. My whole mouth felt awkward and fat. When I finally held up a mirror, I was a bit surprised at what I saw.


They weren’t as big as they felt. They were actually quite small. However, they were a bit more ugly than I’d imagined. I had imagined two straight rows of alternating light-green and dark-green circles, very pretty. What I found was two very crooked lines, and the colored elastics looked very strange on those lines. They looked horrible! They ruined my smile! Not that my smile what that pretty to begin with, but with braces, my smile is now horrifying! And the feeling of them… the texure in my mouth feels both good and awkward at the same time. In short, the braces failed my expectations, yet rose above them at the same time. Good and bad.


They gave me some cleaning supplies, a few written advice for keeping my teeth clean, and voila! I was done.


Now I’m at home, and finally started to feel the pain of these darn braces. I had gotten a bit used to them in a few hour’s time, and I had finally perfected (okay, not perfected. Discovered. Practiced. But no where close to perfection) that little half-smile that would actually look pretty with the braces on. I thought I had it all figured out. Until the pain started.


It hurt so much! At first it was discomfort, then mild soreness, then pain. I couldn’t even bite down without feeling as if the roots of my teeth were being tortured. Which is exactly what is happening—my teeth is twisting and turning in their roots, starting the long 18-month journey towards perfection. I had expected mild discomfort, maybe, just maybe, a little soreness. They doctors said it might feel a bit uncomfortable. NOBODY TOLD ME IT WAS GOING TO HURT LIKE HELL!!


Oops. I should take that back, I really shouldn’t swear. But this is fully deserving of a swear, so I’ll keep it there. Not only did it hurt a little, it was a kind of hurt I’d never imagined possible. My whole mouth felt numb, throbbing, sore. Usually, I’ve only felt it with one or two teeth in my life that got really bad cavities. I had thought it was the end of the world back then. You’ve probably gotten that. Cavities, getting a teeth knocked out or pulled out… now imagined that happening to all of your teeth, all at once. AWFUL!! The pressure was much more than I had expected from a single wire! Yes, pressure, that’s a good word to describe the source of pain. These braces not only looked strange, they felt even worse! Until now. Now, I feel a lot better.


Sure, there’s still the pain, but it’s numbing a little. I’m starting to get used to it, a tiny bit. That little tip of rinsing with warm salt water in case of soreness didn’t work very well. It just make the soreness more intense. So, I ditched the advice manual the doctors gave me and went to search on the internet. The fact that the pain won’t be able to go away without Advil or some sort of pain reliever saddened me. The fact that it was going to hurt like this for at least a week before my teeth fully adjust makes me feel even worse. But the fact that it was normal, that everyone who’s gotten braces felt this way, made me feel a lot better. I mean, if half of America survived this, why can’t I?


However, that wasn't what made me the most content with my braces. My salvation came in the form of this: the fact that Niall Horan also had braces, for a year and four months, and only got them taken off this April! Whoa! Mindblow! I’ve always adored Niall, and his oh-so-cute smile, and his amazing irish accent, and his wonderful voice, and…etc. You get my drift. Niall is adorable. Oh, by the way, if you don’t know who he is, he’s that blonde guy from One Direction.


Anyway, I was surprised that Niall had braces. Sure, they were clear braces, but you could still see the wire, and if you look a bit closer, you can see the braces too. That made me realized that braces doesn’t change a thing about how you are, other than to change your smile for the better. They’re not as noticable as I think. Niall had then for a year and a half, and I never noticed! Also, he’s, like, nineteen or twenty, so I shouldn’t think that me getting braces at thirteen is too old! Lastly, if Niall could deal with them with an adorable smile to the world, so can I! Reading an article about Niall and his braces made me feel a lot better about mine, and made me feel a lot closer to him.


Now, the pain doesn’t feel as bad as it did. I was howling in pain when I started writing this, and somewhere along the middle, I searched about it on the internet, and found comfort there. Now, I feel pretty good. I can get through this, of course I can! It’ll be a new experience, and I love new experiences! Not only woud braces get great teeth, it would get me great fingers! With braces, it’s almost impossible to bite my fingers, because the metal is in the way, and it hurts too much. Now, I’m actually starting to look forward to the day I would finally get a perfect smile. I’ve never paid much attention to my teeth before, but now, I think I’m starting to realize just how important they are.


杏子花开 (2013-08-28 23:59:14)





雨林 (2013-08-29 01:20:37)


周小哭 (2013-08-29 01:29:14)







周小哭 (2013-08-29 01:30:58)


雨林 (2013-08-29 01:33:53)

桥梁文化也是我们期待的。 在工程师面前得寸进尺...

周小哭 (2013-08-29 01:43:09)


杏子花开 (2013-08-29 03:31:28)
