Dear Mommy,
Happy Mother's Day!
I am so grateful for the love and life you have given me. Without you, I would not be who I am today and I would not be wherere I am today. I am only realizing now how challenging it is to be a mother, and I 'm so thankful for all the sacrifices and choices you made for me. I know that you always have my best interest in mind, even if I disagree with you.
Thank you for being my wonderful mother.
I love you very much!
天地一弘 (2013-05-13 06:47:25) |
祝福幸福的妈妈! |
海云 (2013-05-13 12:40:25) |
好女儿,好妈妈。 |
阿朵 (2013-05-13 12:52:50) |
若谷,你女儿说的一点都没错,你的榜样作用,力量是无穷的,相信你女儿将来也是一个好妈妈。 |
若慧 (2013-05-13 14:31:11) |
看到你女儿送你的卡和语言,感觉和我女儿很像。她们都是好女儿,我们是幸福的。我保留着女儿给我的每一张母亲节的卡,已经12年,12 张了。 |
Sujuan (2013-05-13 14:42:46) |
感动!感谢上帝赐我们子女给我们当母亲的机会和权柄! |
若谷 (2013-05-13 22:17:58) |
天父让我们做母亲的,在孩子心田上播种爱,也收获爱和孩子成长的喜悦。 |
予微 (2013-05-14 05:55:23) |
欢迎若谷,又一个幸福的妈妈! |
若谷 (2013-05-14 15:36:14) |
谢谢予微! |
henrysong (2013-05-14 19:20:59) |
幸福的妈妈! |
henrysong (2013-05-14 19:21:37) |
欢迎虚怀! :) |
若谷 (2013-05-15 03:24:09) |
谢谢Henry, |