Sculpt Yourself
“Establish a vision of the person you want to become at some point in the future-- describe that person completely in terms of character traits, opportunities, skills, people you are connected to, even location. Fix that vision in your mind. Write it down and post it on your bathroom mirror, even. Then, own that vision in your mind-- claim it emotionally as if you are there already. Ask yourself every morning "what will I do today that is consistent with that future me?" In the evening, ask yourself, "What did I do today that was consistent with my vision?"
Ultimately, train your brain to be the person your spirit tells you already exists.“
- Mark Patterson, via Quora
We have a lot more ownership over our lives than we’re often aware of.
There are so many of us out there who worry deeply and fret constantly over a particular outcome ahead of us. Will I get that raise or promotion? Will I be accepted into my dream college? What if I ask her out and she rejects me?
We assign particular weight onto each of these circumstances, and while I would never say they are unimportant, it is also the case that we all too often give them more importance in our lives than they deserve.
And by doing so, we inevitably make them come true.
If you believe that a particular life decision or outcome will define your core identity, over time, that belief will be etched onto your soul. The more true you believe it to be, the truer it becomes.
I have seen people let their mistakes define them. These were people who failed to take from their experiences the positive learning outcomes that they could of. Instead, they chose to wallow in negativity.
And I have also known people who have risen from the depths of their misfortune to mold themselves and their life into something so incredible, the rest of us are left staring at their transformation with wide eyes and mouth agape.
I had a friend who was rejected from the college of his dreams. For a time, he was the epitome of the individual who refuses to learn from his mistakes. He believed the college had made a mistake in their admissions process, and that he deserved to get in. This backwards-looking thinking is so focused on the past that it’s like trying to drive a car while only looking at the rear-view mirror. He was unhappy and despondent.
And finally he realized what he was doing to himself.
I saw how, over the course of a year, he turned his life around. He accepted that he was where he was, and that the only thing left to do was the make the best of it.
Almost as soon as he made this personal decision, the world around him seemed to present him with all the opportunities he thought were only available at his dream school. As a result, he excelled. Right now, my friend is doing some incredible things in his life. He has won multiple prizes and awards for his work and is undeniably on the path to success.
The most magical thing about this tale is that his story is not a fluke.
Look at the image at the top of this essay. The sculptor and statue are the one and the same. With every blow of the hammer and strike of his chisel, he becomes closer to becoming truly him.
Many of us are unaware of just how much power we have to shape ourselves in the same way that the statue is sculpting himself. Yet we and him are one and the same. For do we not also possess the capability to make rational, informed decisions? Are we not also the captain of our own ships, masters of our own souls?
The human spirit possesses incredibly ability to elevate itself and those around it, so we should not forget the power that lurks within us.
Therefore, let us not make the mistake of imagining our misery to be our final destination and our circumstances to be truth. Instead, take responsibility for your own life and seize the opportunity to sculpt yourself.
To young students, in particular, I want to leave this message: Your life is what you make of it. There is so much yet that we, in our youth, cannot see; our limited vision, experiences and wisdom cloud our vision, preventing us from being able to appreciate the full extent of the possibilities that lay within our lives.
Your grades, scores, accomplishments, college acceptances all do not define you.
In fact, there is only one thing in this entire world that can define you.
And that’s you.
We have a lot more ownership over our lives than we’re often aware of.
塑造自己 (翻译:阿朵)
“在心目中,为自己建议一个远景,你将来想成为什么样的人? 仔细的描述这个人,性格特征,机会,技能,社交朋友,甚至地理位置。把这一设想放在你的心中。把它写下来,甚至张贴在浴室的镜子上。 让自己变成这一设想的主人 - 甚至想象你已经成为了那样的人。每天早晨问问自己:我今天做什么事情可以使我和未来保持一致?到了晚上,再问自己:我今天做了什么,使我和未来保持一致?
- 马克·帕特森,通过Quora
我有一个朋友, 被他的心仪已久的梦想大学拒绝。一时间,他拒绝接受这样的现实,他认为,自己完全符合那所那所大学的录取标准,那所大学拒绝他,是在他们的招生过程中犯了一个错误。这种后瞻性的思维是如此专注于过去,就像开车一样,前行的时候,只盯着后视镜。那段时间,他极度不快和沮丧,糟糕极了。
予微 (2012-10-01 05:52:26) |
题图的雕塑很震撼! 文章也像那把锤子一样有力! |
木桐白云 (2012-10-01 12:35:40) |
理解很深透,自己就是自己设计的,路是自己走出来的,形象也是自己塑造的。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 12:36:59) |
阿朵,到底是debate出身的孩子啊! 这篇文章太有震撼力了! 我要把它好好打出来,贴在我家冰箱上,不但激励我们两个孩子,也激励我和我老公自己。 真的字字珠玑,句句真理,阿朵从小给孩子喂的什么牌奶粉啊,养这么好的儿子? |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-01 12:38:52) |
另外我想起来了,我脑子里对你家老大印象深(因为看你debate系列),对你家双胞胎也印象深(上次东来顺见过),咋对你家老二没啥印象呢? 啥时候有空也写写你老二,让我们认识认识吧? |
天地一弘 (2012-10-01 13:44:40) |
好好塑造自己,这是每一个孩子的希望。 |
阿朵 (2012-10-01 13:55:42) |
谢予微,你回帖的速度可真快啊:-)那锤子,也敲我心呢。 |
阿朵 (2012-10-01 14:00:26) |
拼音打mutong,有两个组合,木桐,牧童,你们俩的名字是双胞胎:-) 的确是这样,自己的形象是自己塑造的,自己就是自己的雕塑家。 |
阿朵 (2012-10-01 14:13:00) |
牧童,我第一遍没领会他的文章,觉得有些空洞,翻译的时候,仔细领会,才觉得读懂了。翻译他的东西,有点费劲,得使劲的琢磨才行。他是放养的孩子,高中时也叛逆的很,很有个性,小锤子常常猛敲我的心,搞得我不得不记下来。 老二性格温和的多,比较顺溜,还真是,写他的很少,(不哭的孩子没奶吃?)。不过,目前他已经进入青少年了,开始有脾气了,我又要面临挑战了。以后,一定多写点他敲我心的事情。 |
阿朵 (2012-10-01 14:16:28) |
谢一弘,勤快的一弘。你家公子在美国渡暑假的文章,还没写完吧? |
panda13 (2012-10-01 15:45:23) |
很成熟。做父母的可以放心了。你儿子上大几? |
阿朵 (2012-10-01 16:31:00) |
谢谢panda13。儿子大3. 当父母的心,其实永远都在那,不管他在风里,还是雨里,晴天,还是多云。 |
西山 (2012-10-01 17:10:39) |
阿朵培养的好孩子,我和孩子都要好好学习! |
天地一弘 (2012-10-01 17:25:22) |
谢阿朵姐提醒,成了懒惰的一弘了。 |
海云 (2012-10-01 19:36:30) |
我会转给出版社,看他们的决定。 |
予微 (2012-10-02 04:30:26) |
你说你要发篇文,我就撑着眼皮一直等啊! |
henrysong (2012-10-02 05:53:35) |
成熟的孩子! 很多大人,一生也不见得能够理解到这些道理啊! |
牧童歌谣 (2012-10-03 00:04:22) |
今天我把这篇文章转给我几个生意伙伴看, 她们如获至宝纷纷转发给自己的团队了。 大家感叹,瞧人家孩儿,咋养的? 把成年人不懂的道理都说明白了! |
阿朵 (2012-10-03 00:33:44) |
谢谢各位留言。 牧童,他是晚熟的孩子,高中时真的让我挺操心的,好在现在开窍了。 |