翻译: 红花
这次暑期夏令营和我预想的不同。我预想的是,与专业的电影工作者一起工作; 做翻译工作相对来说应该不难。我还预想,我会有大量的空闲时间自我调节。比如读书,做功课,和朋友们聊天,逛街,出去玩儿。总之,我期待的这个暑假应该没有任何压力,最终拍摄出漂亮的纪录片,令所有人都快乐又自豪。
Shanghai, Summer 2012
Emily Chen
This trip was not what I had expected. I expected working with professionals and having an easy job helping to translate. I expected having time to read, to do homework, to talk to my friends, to go shopping, to go out, and to have free time. I expected no stress, a beautiful documentary in the end, and happy, proud faces.
By the end of this trip, I can honestly say that nothing went as expected. However, I had an amazing experience and a great time. Although these students are not professional, I can see each individual’s love for filming and that’s what opened my eyes. It doesn’t matter whether they know what to do at the right times or what not to do at the wrong times, they are learning from this entire experience as college students as much as I am learning as a high school student. The passion for cinema opened my eyes because of the stress I can see from each student. Whether it’s sweat falling from their scalps or tears falling out of their eyes, no one gave up. In the end, everyone pushed further and further and ended up with an amazing story to share the world.
I also learned that translating is not an easy job. By the end of the day, all I need is a gallon of water for my dried-out throat. Going back and forth, looking from one pair of eyes to another, and repeating each individual’s speech… man it’s tiring. I felt important and proud when I was able to translate something right but so disappointed and useless when I couldn’t explain it in the other language. I wish I had come to China for this job realizing where my Chinese language stood. I always thought I could speak Mandarin fluently but boy, you don’t know how many “your chinese is so terrible”s I’ve gotten. It’s a little discouraging but I knew that I was a very crucial person in my group and for this program.
By the end of the days, I’m either covered in sweat, super sore that even lying down on the bed hurts, dirty and stinky and absolutely enervated, or the usual, all of the above. The stress got to me even though I was a volunteer because of the unfinished documentary my group and I had. But throughout every interview and every shot of scenery and kung-fu we got, I can honestly say that this documentary will turn out brilliantly. I have no doubt because my group and I worked so hard on this, and although we are a tad behind, none of us can say that we didn’t try.
I never thought it’d be so stressful. Waking up at 4 in the morning, being lied to and tricked by people we thought would be good for the camera, walking hours in the blazing heat, getting lost, etc. It’s hard, it really is. And the worst part is that I didn’t expect it to be this tough.
But in the end, it was a good experience. What kind of experience would it be without the difficulties and the stress? This documentary wouldn’t be worth sharing if it was that easy. Ha! But I’m glad to be where I am with my group. I just wish that I could speak more fluently and I wish that I could read and write chinese. This would have helped 1000000x more for myself’s stress and for the group.
Other than that regret, I think this documentary turned out well, and so did this program. Everyone is excited to share their hardships and so am I. I’m also very happy to have gotten along with everyone so well and to gain new friendships and to share many many laughs. This summer was not wasted and I’m thankful for being able to help. Thank you.
阿朵 (2012-08-04 15:01:04) |
什么时候我们也能看看这个纪录片?相信这次经历比她留在美国复习SAT什么的要收获多的多。 |
天地一弘 (2012-08-04 15:38:28) |
祝福爱美丽上海之行锻炼了能力,得到了应有的收获。 |
红花 (2012-08-04 15:56:58) |
女儿告诉我,纪录片的后期制作还没有完成。不过,他们的片子每年都送亚太影展。希望这次能有收获。到时,女儿的名字也会在上面。 怎么样? 今晚八点半,可以来我们小组查经吗? |
红花 (2012-08-04 15:58:30) |
女儿告诉我,别的都能够忍受,那个热呀,几乎像在蒸笼里一样,令她格外想念硅谷清凉的夏天。 |
牧童歌谣 (2012-08-04 16:32:52) |
爱美丽回来啦?真是有这样的好机会,太锻炼人了。 国内的热实在是让人头疼,不过从照片看,爱美丽很开心! 看,都学会入乡随俗竖起两个手指头照相了呢! |
cyn6120 (2012-08-05 02:34:43) |
爱美丽终于从上海回来了,从酷热难耐的大蒸笼回来了!这样艰苦的条件,这样繁重的工作,爱美丽完成得如此出色,真是佩服这位ABC小姑娘!也佩服培育出这么能吃苦好女儿的能干妈妈!红花,祝福你及你们全家!也希望爱美丽明年能顺利升入自己心仪的大学,心想事成!欢迎再来上海-----上海老乡 |
红花 (2012-08-05 07:16:41) |
何止学会了竖两个指头照相,连说话声音里,都有软软的上海话音质了呢。 |
红花 (2012-08-05 07:18:09) |
谢谢。今天我问女儿,是考SAT难,还是这个夏令营难,女儿回答说:“当然是考SAT难!”,所以呀,她宁愿去经受大蒸笼的考验,也不原意经历考SAT的考验。 |
桑妮 (2012-08-07 18:29:16) |
为爱美丽叫好!这篇文章稍加润色,就可以是一篇很好的报考大学的Essay,比SAT多涨几分还管用。 |
红花 (2012-08-07 20:30:03) |
谢谢。这次的上海之行,磨练了她的意志,锻炼了吃苦的本领。她收获的东西,远远超过了夏令营本身。 |