当我读到Jennifer说:“I’m still learning how to best support my own process and emotions as well as family members at this time, and am grateful for the space to do so,I won’t personally comment further on anything around the separation, but please know that your kind words and support mean the world to me.“ 这是一个成熟的成年人该有的态度,尊重父母的抉择,同时也考虑到家人的感受,有这样的大家姐,盖兹夫妇的另两个孩子会有该有的精神支撑的,毕竟他们都成人了,我相信已然可以独自面对人生的比尔的三个孩子,终将走过这段崎岖的路,而父母离异的痛也会成为他们将来人生的另一种经历和财富。