4/8 正能量宣言




正能量宣言日是2020年4月8日。 从3月8日开始,我们将携手同心,和我们所有热爱的人一起(比如我们的家人、周围的朋友等),共同塑造一个积极的空间。 在未来的30天里,您的努力将给您,以及您的亲人和社区生活带来积极的改变。


以上是朋友发起的正能量宣言活动, 为了更好地享受无限春光和人生的妙曼,为了让您的人生更加丰富并且有意义, 为了您自己和家人的幸福与安康,为了世界和平与安定,欢迎加入4月8号的正能量宣言。 

The first step to create a positive space within ourselves is to practice self acceptance, self compassion, and self love. Often we reserve the harshest judgements for ourselves, as we know ourselves inside out - and we tend to see our own weaknesses rather than our strengths, our failures rather than our accomplishments.

When we admire the beauty of nature, we don’t judge whether a flower or a leaf is perfect. We accept it as it is and enjoy its presence. 

Today, wholeheartedly accept and love yourself. Look in the mirror, notice the imperfections you always see, but tell yourself “I accept myself the way I am. I am perfect the way I am.”

You are perfect - your imperfections make you who you are, different from the billions of people who have come before you and who are here on earth with you. Every part of you, especially your imperfections,  tells a story of who you are and shows people what you have overcome. 

Accept who you are. Celebrate your imperfection. You are perfect just the way you are.

若谷借此机会给大家推荐《不完美的礼物》一书: The Gifts of Imperfection:https://www.amazon.com/Gifts-Imperfection-Think-Supposed-Embrace/dp/159285849X。
