好吧,我先坦白一件事情:今年,随着时间的流逝,我花了大量的时间在社交媒体上。Facebook, Reddit, 更多的Facebook,从头到尾地浏览。。。。。。我个人是属于社交媒体的菜鸟那类人,所以在这几个月里,当我真正花心思在把自己沉浸在这些社交媒体上的时候,我有一种即新鲜而又奇怪的感觉。在社交媒体上的有些事情,估计家长不了解,而且也许永远也不会了解。(妈妈,对不起。但这是真的!)。
我个人并不是要特别反对memes,其实我也是世界知名的的Facebook Group--伯克利前卫青年memes的成员之一,这个memes对我身后坐着的453个同伴来说,都是很完美的适合。但是今天值得一提的是,memes所主导流行的一种幽默方式,那是一种即批判又讽刺的基调,很多时候,是玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗。
现在很多时候,我都被标榜为乐观主义者,有的时候甚至是过于乐观的乐观主义者。最近我发现乐观主义被赋予了一些负面的含义 -- 脱离现实,盲目天真。乐观主义者被认为是那些忽略现实生活中的不愉快的人,因为他们有意选择忽略痛苦,所以他们很容易快乐。
英文:(By William Shan)
So Ihave a little bit of a confession. As the year has winded down, I have beenwasting a WHOLE lot of time on social media: Facebook, Reddit, moreFacebook.... the full package. Now, I personally am a little bit of a rookiewhen it comes to social media. So when I really started getting into it acouple of months ago, there were some things that were kinda new and verystrange to me. Things on social media that I’m guessing most of you parents outthere probably don’t, and honestly probably never will understand. (Sorry mom,it’s true!).
Things like….memes.
Okay—hearme out.
So Idon’t have anything in particular against memes. Indeed, I myself am a memberof the world-renowned Facebook group, UC Berkeley Memes for Edgy Teens, a groupperfect for those 453 really edgy teens sitting behind me right now. What I dofind worth talking about, however, is the type of humor that memes always,always seem to use. It’s this weird mix of sarcasm, of irony, and most of all,of cynicism。
And you know what I’ve noticed? It’s become fashionable to be cynical. Not justonline, but in our daily lives.
That’s what I want to talk about today: our acceptance of cynicism.
Now I’m somebody who is often labeled as an optimist. Sometimes, even an excessiveoptimist. And recently, I’ve noticed that the word “optimist” has begun to takeon a negative meaning—it no longer implies positivity, but unrealistic andnaive positivity. There’s this belief now that optimists are those whoblissfully ignore the unpleasantness in the world. And that because they’re blindto all of that pain, they find it easy to be positive, to be happy. But that’snot what true optimism is. And it’s not at all easy to be an optimist.
Let me tell you what’s easy—what’s easy is to be a cynic. To be a cynic is to seethe world around you in all of its negativity, in all of the ways that it canand should be improved, and accept it—even going so far as to point out itsflaws and laugh at them—because to do otherwise would be uncomfortable, and todo otherwise would be tiring. To be a cynic is to surrender, put your hands upwith palms facing forward, and NOT fight against the complacency that we seeand feel every day. In other words, to be a cynic is to do nothing different.And that’s easy.
But here’s what’s hard. Optimism. True optimism is NOT an unrealistic view of theworld, in which you only see the good and beautiful around you. Rather, it isthe honest understanding that your life IS small. That life IS unfair. Thatyour life is NOT really that special, or that unique from those of your peers,or those of the generations that have come before you. And yet despite thisunderstanding of unpleasant realities, despite being fully aware of thesmallness of your life, you put your hands up, not to surrender, but balled upin fists, because you fight on for a cause that is greater than just yourself.True optimism is fighting against complacency, and that’s hard.
However if there’s one thing I’ve learned from these past four years at Lynbrook, it’sthis: any change worth making will be hard.
So mychallenge, and my advice to all those in the audience today is this: don’twaste your time complaining, don’t waste your energy being cynical. Don’t lookbackwards, but ball up your firsts and look forward to the change that ourworld needs.
It’dbeen a good four years, class of 2017, and we’ve done our fair share of lookingbackwards. Now, it’s time for us to look forward. Starting today, it’s time forus to start thinking about how we want to change the world, together.
Thank you!
老来天真 (2017-06-16 18:33:22) |
你儿子真了不起! |
春阳 (2017-06-17 17:46:07) |
棒棒哒!!! |