









现在,看到你和大双已经和我齐肩了,你们健康,快乐,阳光,聪明,我终于可以自豪的说:我的宝宝,you made it,we made it!我们一起渡过了艰难的日子,我们终于赶上来了!

你所取得的每一个小小的成就,对我来说都是一个巨大的胜利,你的第一个微笑,第一句话,第一天上学,第一个field trip,你射进的第一个球,投中的第一个蓝。。。你每一个小小的进步,都会让我充满愉悦,都会让我心怀感恩。







生活总是那么忙忙碌碌的,你学中文,踢球,打篮球,弹钢琴。。。回头看,我觉得我做的最明智的一件事就是送你去了Muauliffe,一个友好,有趣,以启发,动手实验为主的小学. 因为我的目的只有一个,希望你有一个愉快的小学生活,交很多朋友,最重要的,学会如何做一个好公民。你的这个field trip是在Muauliffe的最后一个出游了,希望你珍惜,好好享受每分每秒。







Dear Joseph,

It seems like yesterday that we brought you and Jason home from the hospital, and now you are my little man! Dad and I were actually very nervous at the prospect of being raise two premature babies. I still remember Dad, me, Carl and William went to hospital every day to watch you and Jason, since you were born at 32 weeks of gestation rather than the typical 40, the hospital placed two of you immediately at intensive care. You are small, under weight, and little weak, it make me worry all the way: are you going to be ok? Can you catch up the weight and height later?

Now I saw you and Jason almost in my height, strong, health, intelligent and bright, I must say proudly: My dear boy, you made it, we made it!

It took a while for me to come to terms with the fact that I was a mother of 4 and was going to be one forever. But today after 10 years of looking back, I cannot help but smile. It is a feeling of fulfillment beyond words. Although I am still not sure if I am a great mother, I feel that I have done some justice to the role.

Every milestone of yours was a kind of personal victory for me. Your first smile, your first word, your first step, your first day of school, your first project, your first field trip, you made the first soccer goal, and earn the basketball point...., I was just amazed and once again overwhelmed at what a little miracle you are.

I have to tell you truly, how much I enjoy watching you play soccer and basketball, I even ask myself, where is your talent come from? From me? How much I wish I can do that!

As the years passed things started to get very challenging and sometimes I found myself in very difficult situations. The mess you made, the tantrums you threw, and the other naughty things you did really sometimes stressed me out. I have agonized over many of the decisions I had to make when it came to discipline. I even have had many arguments with your dad. But in time we learn to parent as a team. We are not perfect but we have learned how to become good parents, we are still learning.

Now I have learn to take things in my stride and deal with them with a calm mind. The one thing that helped me tremendously through the toughest of times was your smile - that 1000 watt glow made me forget everything and realize it was all worth it.

School flew by, I could not keep up. piano, Chinese, soccer, baseball, , swimming lessons, ongfu.....I think the most wise decision I made is send you to Mcauliffe, a fun, friendly, project based learning environment, I just want you to have a lot of fun, enjoy your school work, make good friends and most of all be a good human being.

You will go to middle school soon, it will be a big change in some way, but we live our life in phases. When one ends, another begins. Change is constant and life is short. So seize the moment and live life to the fullest, have no regrets.

I have learn so much from you and will continue to do so for the years to come. How to forgive, how to love unconditionally not expecting anything in return, how to be innocent, how to enjoy the small things in life, how to be carefree…. The list is endless.... Thank you! You have made my life worthwhile!

God bless you!

Love u always,


司马冰 (2017-02-12 06:51:48)


天地一弘 (2017-02-13 09:10:05)


阿朵 (2017-02-23 23:46:39)


阿朵 (2017-02-23 23:47:08)
