前言:二十二年前来美留学之际,母亲一定要让我带上两条秋裤,说天凉了可以换着穿. 说来惭愧,来美后俺一次都没有穿过. 前些天中秋节给家打电话,母亲又一再叮嘱换季要注意添衣,俺都四十好几的人了,在母亲眼里依然是一个让她放心不下的孩子...
后来承蒙万维才女沐岚与文豪叉鱼哥的青睐,把这首小诗翻译成了英文. 下面是万维的两位才子佳人的英译本...
英译 by 沐岚:
Longing in Autumn: To My Mom Overseas
In the autumn deep when frosts become heavy and leaves crimson,The emerald water shimmers on the horizon.By the water who leans on the walk-stick gazing afar is my mom,
Her white-hair stirring in the wind,
The silver seagulls dance.She doesn't weep, She longs for her son overseas year after year,
Having concern for him not to put on warm trousers.
英译 by 叉鱼哥:
Shade of leaves turns autumn-red, frost-bitten
Enduring water flows to meet sky-blue
Cane in hand, tight and full
Eyes into afar
Grey hair blown in the wind, dancing the gull's swing
Cry, thou not, my dear Mom
Year by year, right here you are waiting
Just to say: forget not the autumn fitting
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