
秋日小诗四首   Four Autumn Poems



秋阳              Autumn Sun

碧天黄叶地,      Blue sky, golden leafy ground 

玉湖映彩峦。      Jade lakes reflect colorful mount

云雁齐南飞,      Clouds and geese fly south bound

羽羽载阳归。      Feathers carry sunshine abound


秋叶              Autumn Leaves

月高秋气爽,      Moonlight high, autumn air cool

花瘦山风过。      Flowers slim, mountain wind blew

屋前白桦树,      Front yard, the birch tree      

依依叶飘落。      Leaves drifting gently free  


秋雨              Autumn Rain

雨轻秋寒重,      Light rain, autumn coldness heavy

叶落青草迎。      Leaves fall, green grass wavy 

最怜红枫树,      Woe to the red maples 

莹莹诉离情。      They bid farewell, leaving


秋果              Autumn Fruit

走过春之华,      Passing over Spring, so beautiful

挥去夏之暑。      Fleeting away Summer's heat 

秋来负果果,      Autumn bears fruit, so bountiful  

方临冬雪舞。      It's time for Winter's snow fall

海云 (2011-11-23 22:39:23)


寒溪幽兰 (2011-11-24 05:52:34)
