Susan著 小哭译
我们从只是与几个主角(六个主角儿)一起排练开始, 那种感觉就像是独幕剧排练那会儿!音乐舞台剧中被选上的主角儿几乎都是我们在独幕剧中的演员;我们使用和独幕剧那会儿同样的房间排练;而我也做着和独幕剧那会儿同样的角色。唯一的不同是其它两个副导演和我要花上三个小时的时间在放学后复印剧本并分发。
【小哭介绍背景】 这个系列三篇小文终于完成了!这个小系列不仅仅是一次简单的记录,也是我和Susan又一次探讨如何进行写作规划的一次实践。历时四个月的活动,对于处在表演与聚会后的激动期中的Susan来说,写作颇为困难。想写的内容太多,一篇文章怎么着也写不完,写不完又令她无法接受。她就是没想到,其实可以写成一个系列,分成几篇文章来写。有的时候,提醒的话只是一句,可是却很重要。当我和她讨论了不到十分钟,关于总共写几篇文章,每篇文章的主题是什么,有几个主要内容一定要包括进去后,她的心情顿时就开朗起来了。之前刚一说要写音乐舞台剧的作文,她就表现得极度抓狂,烦燥与纠结中的她五官都挪位了:(最后她说不是不想写,其实是非常地想写,可就是不知道如何写才是好。想想虽然我英文远不如她,写作水平也不比她强多少,可是我至今还能够在关键的时刻给她一些建议,就觉得自己对她的作用还没有完全退化到仅仅在后勤这一方面。
Susan自从进入八年级,就整天喊作业多, 反正她的生活被作业绑架了。我并不认为对于每一个同学都是这样的,我认为是Susan个人的问题,她不善长安排时间,又过于在意作业的分数,所以在作业上面花费的时间非常地不合理。但是,这不是我能轻易改变的。所以当她准备参加“安妮”剧的面试时,我在下发的一大堆文件中,看到了老师的提醒与要求,就是要判断孩子是否会因为排练影响学习。这一判断不仅仅有家长的角度,还有各科任课老师的角度。我严肃地与Susan谈了一次,她说她认为以前老是说作业多其实是一种借口,真正的原因不是作业多,而是她写作业不专注。为了安妮,她愿意有意地提高效率。我其实并不相信她能够快速改变,但是我相信她这次会有一个动力去尝试着改变。我知道“安妮”一定会带给她混乱,但是也一定会带给她改变,于是我签字了。不过我有言在先,如果因为“安妮”写不完作业或是影响正常的学习与生活,就必须退出剧组,她也答应了。
二月份情人节期间,她参加了橡树园的一个冬令营,回来后心情大坏,号啕大哭了几天,哭哭泣泣地一整周,那一周,学业上的成绩下滑是明显的。不是这科没写作业,就是那科没复习,非常少见的不及格及六七十分,成了那一周的常态。我控制住不满意,不断地告诉自己这个状态和“安妮”的排练没有直接的关系,主要的问题出自于橡树园的冬令营,更深层次的问题来自于那个青少年组。不是那个小组不好,是Susan自己已经不适合呆在里面了。于是在坚定了带Susan从橡树园教会退出的同时,我开始加紧动作,让Susan顺利并及时地加入了家门口C教会的技术团队,参与崇拜时舞台上灯光与声响方面的控制。结果Susan一下子就爱上了C教会 ,说是技术团队让她找到了当初在摩顿电视台时的感觉。另外我还帮她找到了一份在周六教小孩子中文的工作来分散她的注意力。很快地她就从那种颓废的状态中恢复了,并将心思投入到了“安妮”的排练中。事实上,如果没有“安妮”,她可能需要更多的时间才能从冬令营的影响中恢复过来。对于这件事儿,我也为自己鼓个掌,因为脾气急躁的我,没有在Susan的眼泪中将这一不良状态迁怒于“安妮”的排练,而那,其实于我是很有可能的。
Annie The Musical-Rehearsals
Annie the Musical had been one of the most important and time-consuming thing in my life for four months. For four months, I had spent hours every day after school, attending Annie practices. I copied papers, took notes, called places, painted signs, and did a bunch of other things as Assistant Director. It had been one of the greatest experience in my life. I made new friends, learned things about my classmates that I never knew before, met four wonderful directors, and found an amazing family in the cast and crew of Annie. I am so glad I did it.
Before Annie, I was involved in the 1-Act plays as an Assistant Director (AD), and my drama teacher recommended I AD for Annie also. I thought that, like in the 1-Acts, the directors would just pick the ADs. Since Mrs.C--- liked me, I was pretty sure I would get picked. However, I found out during the informational meeting that it wasn’t that easy. There were around seven people who wanted to be AD, so we each have to write a letter to the directors explaining why we thought we would make the best Assistant Director. I didn’t think I would be the best person for the role of AD, but I really wanted the job, so I tried to think of reasons why Mrs.C--- liked me and went on from their. I think I did a pretty good job with the letter, and I was pretty confident when I handed it in to one of the directors.
Then Mrs.C--- asked me to audition for the play for an acting role, “just in case” I didn’t get picked as AD. That was when I got nervous. Not only was I nervous about what her suggestion meant for my possible role as AD, I was also nervous about auditioning. Since it was a musical, auditioning meant singing. And I didn’t know how to sing. However, since I didn’t want Mrs.C--- to think that I back down from things just because they might be embarassing, I decided to audition anyway. And guess what? It wasn’t as bad as I though. She said I actually sounded really good, and wanted me to join her chorus class next semester. As much as I like my newfound talent in singing, though, I was still very glad when I got the role of Assistant Director.
We started out by rehearsing scenes with just the leads (the main six characters), and it felt just like the 1-Acts! The people who got picked as the leads for the musical were mostly the same people who were in the 1-Acts, we used the same room for rehearsals, and I did the same work as I did in the 1-Acts.. The only different thing the other two ADs and I did was spend three hours after school to copy scripts to hand out people.
Then, we started rehearsing for the big numbers. At first, I didn’t like it. During the small rehearsals, I was with people I already knew, so it felt more like family. The big rehearsals felt alien, full of strange faces and strange people. There were sixty-something people, maybe more, rushing about. It was completely different from the 1-Acts, and I didn’t know if I would like the change.
We had barely began practices for our big musical numbers when we had to evacuate our school, HMS, due to mold problems. It seemed like we would not be getting back for a while, but we still had rehearsals. We had a few at the Community House, and at few at CHMS (a neighboring school). It was hard driving to the different locations and driving back, but we managed it, and we actually got a lot done during that time. We finished the choreography for most of the songs. The directors were really proud of us.
When we went back to HMS we started having rehearsals for 3-4 hours after school instead of the usual 1 1/2. We had missed ten days of practice, and the show was opening in three weeks! We were not even close to finishing. During those rehearsals, painted a few signs to use as props during the show, and I think I finally made Mr.T--- like me. Before, it felt like he didn’t think I would be a good AD, but after I painted the signs, he was warmer towards me.
After the whole mold experience, something was different within the cast. There was a bond that was starting to form between us, expecially between me and the servants cast (the cast was split into two groups-orphans and servants). I was in charge of taking attendance of the servants cast. Every day, at the beginnning of rehearsal, they would come to me and report their attendance. At first, it was awkward and formal, they would just tell me their name, I would nod, and they would leave. As I repeated this day after day, I started remembering their names. I got them know them and talk to them. Pretty soon, taking attendance became a friendly, comfortable thing. After Annie ended, there’s still this guy (he’s awesome, one of my favorite people in Annie) who says “Susan, I’m here!” every time we see each other at school.
Through taking attendance, helping the directors, and just being around the same group of people twenty hours a week, I became part of the big Annie family. I finally found my place there. Although their were a few times that I thought rehearsal was boring, it no longer felt strange and alien. Most of the time, I was looking forward to the rehearsals. It was a place where no worries could bother me, where I felt like I was surrounded by familiar faces, a place where I felt like I was needed.
Finally, the show began to come together. We ran through the whole thing, and even though the director had to pause us every few minutes to change the blocking (movement) or to make a suggestion, we managed to go through the whole show from beginning to end. That took us two days. A week later, we managed to get it down to one day, with the directors interupting every ten minutes or so. That would’ve been a great accomplishment, if the deadline for the show had not been less than a week away. We had less than five more rehearsals to perfect everything. I didn’t know how we were going to pull it off, especially when at the second-to-last practice. Even though the directors didn’t interupt that time, there were still some slip-ups, and during the transitions Ms.W--- screamed at us to be louder. I was worried for opening night.
The night before the opening was the dress rehearsal. And it was amazing. I could not believe those were the same people who were on that stage the night before. The costumes made all the difference in the world. It added believability, and seemed to boost the actors’ confidences. The songs were more energetic, the stage crew came right on cue, everything was perfect. I was completely ready for opening night.
And then opening night came.