时间:11/2/2013, 上午10点
天地一弘 (2013-10-29 15:23:14) |
祝贺! |
阿朵 (2013-10-29 15:54:00) |
感谢北京皮卡书屋的组织,海云用她自己的亲身经历和体会,实实在在的分析中美教育,高考的差异,在合肥的讲座很受家长欢迎,多家媒体给与了报道,在此预祝北京讲座成功! 欢迎北京的文友前去参加! |
梅子 (2013-10-29 21:09:29) |
祝贺! |
心桥 (2013-10-29 21:24:35) |
海云:您的讲题里有 What Ivy League Universities are looking for? Here are two websites that answers that question directly. 预祝讲座成功!
What is Princeton Looking For? http://www.princeton.edu/admission/applyingforadmission/requirements/ “We look for students with intellectual curiosity… We look for students who make a difference in their schools and communities…. Tell us if you’ve had a job or a responsibility in your home. We want to know what you care about, what commitments you have made and what you’ve done to act on those commitments.”
“-- Does the candidate have a direction yet? Where will the candidate be in 1 year? 5 years? 25 years? Will she contribute something, somewhere, somehow? -- What sort of human being is the candidate now? What sort of human being will she be in the future? -- Does the candidate have initiative? Is he a self-starter? What motivates her?” |
春阳 (2013-10-29 23:44:42) |
祝成功! |
西歌 (2013-10-30 05:48:00) |
海云, 祝讲座成功!如果需要我愿意提供我今年儿子申请学校的一些资料. |
anmy (2013-10-30 08:12:34) |
祝贺,惠及民生的活动!圆满成功! |
天婴 (2013-10-30 16:03:51) |
海云真是精力旺盛,能一心多用,敬仰! 祝讲座成功。 |
林夕杰 (2013-10-31 01:17:53) |
祝贺 |
香台 (2013-11-02 14:12:03) |
今天是讲座一定非常成功! |
予微 (2013-11-02 21:14:23) |
海云的改编完满成功了?讲座一定吸引了不少人。 |
海云 (2013-11-03 04:49:00) |
谢谢大家,讲座非常成功,创作还在继续。 |
Sula (2013-11-20 20:16:42) |
海云回国了啊,什么时候回来啊? |
海云 (2013-11-23 23:44:04) |
回来了。 |