




It was beautiful as long as it lasted


The journey of my life.


I have no regrets whatsoever


Save the pain I’ll leave behind


Those dear hearts who love and care…


And the strings pulling at the heat and soul…


The strong arms that held me up


When my own strength let me down.


At every turning of my life I came across good friends,


Friends who stood by me,


Even when the time raced me by.






       金门大桥,也许真的象 << The Bridge>> 中记录的那样,平均每15天就会有人从上面跳下,是世界上最吸引自杀的地方可谁会想到,201356日,会是你,老师和朋友眼中的“天之骄子”。



    网球明星,全A的成绩,SAT 2400...  就连别的优12年级入围就已经很骄傲的 Intel International Science Fair,你还是遥遥领先,10年级就已经进入决赛。






Farewell, farewell, my friends


I smile and bid you goodbye.


No, shed no tears for I need them not


All I need is your smile.




       5月11日,静寂的 Irvington Memorial 墓园,上百位同学,老师,家长为送别, 没有一位能“smile”









































        况且还有早春的阳光,深秋的红叶,大海,雪山,音乐....  那么多的人爱你。





















































If you feel sad do think of me


For that’s what I’ll like when you live in the hearts


Of those you love, remember then


You never die.







(2013628日,Fremont, CA)





Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 数据美国每年平均至少30,000人自杀身亡,其中4,000左右年龄在24岁以下。


附上美国学校心理学会 (National Association of School Psychologists) 总结的相关文章。

Preventing Youth Suicide: Tips for Parents and Educators

By Andrea Cohn, NCSP
Howard County (MD) Public Schools

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth between 10 and 19 years of age. However, suicide is preventable. Youth who are contemplating suicide frequently give warning signs of their distress. Parents, teachers, and friends are in a key position to pick up on these signs and get help. Most important is to never take these warning signs lightly or promise to keep them secret. When all adults and students in the school community are committed to making suicide prevention a priority — and are empowered to take the correct actions — we can help youth before they engage in behavior with irreversible consequences.

Suicide Risk Factors

Certain characteristics are associated with increased suicide risk. These include:

  • Mental illness including depression, conduct disorders, and substance abuse
  • Family stress/dysfunction
  • Environmental risks, including presence of a firearm in the home
  • Situational crises (i.e., traumatic death of a loved one, physical or sexual abuse, family violence, etc.)

Suicide Warning Signs

Many suicidal youth demonstrate observable behaviors that signal their suicidal thinking. These include:

  • Suicidal threats in the form of direct and indirect statements
  • Suicide notes and plans
  • Prior suicidal behavior
  • Making final arrangements (e.g., making funeral arrangements, writing a will, giving away prized possessions)
  • Preoccupation with death
  • Changes in behavior, appearance, thoughts and/or feelings

What to Do

Youth who feel suicidal are not likely to seek help directly; however, parents, school personnel, and peers can recognize the warning signs and take immediate action to keep the youth safe. When a youth gives signs that he or she may be considering suicide, the following actions should be taken:

  • Remain calm.
  • Ask the youth directly if he or she is thinking about suicide.
  • Focus on your concern for their wellbeing and avoid being accusatory.
  • Listen.
  • Reassure them that there is help and they will not feel like this forever.
  • Do not judge.
  • Provide constant supervision. Do not leave the youth alone.
  • Remove means for self-harm.
  • Get help: Peers should not agree to keep the suicidal thoughts a secret and instead should tell an adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school psychologist. Parents should seek help from school or community mental health resources as soon as possible. School staff should take the student to the designated school mental health professional or administrator.

The Role of the School in Suicide Prevention

Children and adolescents spend a substantial part of their day in school under the supervision of school personnel. Effective suicide and violence prevention is integrated with supportive mental health services, engages the entire school community, and is embedded in a positive school climate through student behavioral expectations and a trustful student/adult relationship. Therefore, it is crucial for all school staff to be familiar with and watchful for risk factors and warning signs of suicidal behavior. The entire school staff should work to create an environment where students feel safe sharing such information. School psychologists and other crisis team personnel, including the school counselor and school administrator, are trained to intervene when a student is identified at risk for suicide. These individuals conduct suicide risk assessment, warn/inform parents, provide recommendations and referrals to community services, and often provide follow-up counseling and support at school.

Parent Notification and Participation

Parent notification is a vital part of suicide prevention. Parents need to be informed and actively involved in decisions regarding their child’s welfare. Even if a child is judged to be at low risk for suicidal behavior, schools should ask parents to sign a Notification of Emergency Conference form to indicate that relevant information has been provided. These notifications must be documented. Additionally, parents are crucial members of a suicide risk assessment as they often have information critical to making an appropriate assessment of risk, including mental health history, family dynamics, recent traumatic events, and previous suicidal behaviors.

After a school notifies a parent of their child’s risk for suicide and provides referral information, the responsibility falls upon the parent to seek mental health assistance for their child. Parents must:

  • Continue to take threats seriously. Follow-through is important even after the child calms down or informs the parent “they didn’t mean it.” Avoid assuming behavior is attention seeking.
  • Access school supports. If parents are uncomfortable with following through on referrals, they can give the school psychologist permission to contact the referral agency, provide referral information, and follow up on the visit. The school can also assist in providing transportation to get the parent and child to the referral agency.
  • Maintain communication with the school. After such an intervention, the school will also provide follow-up supports. Parent communication will be crucial to ensuring that the school is the safest, most comfortable place for their child.

Resiliency Factors

The presence of resiliency factors can lessen the potential risks that lead to suicidal ideation and behaviors. Once a child or adolescent is considered at risk, schools, families, and friends should work to build these protective factors in and around the youth. These include:

  • Family support and cohesion, including good communication
  • Peer support and close social networks
  • School and community connectedness
  • Cultural or religious beliefs that discourage suicide and promote healthy living
  • Adaptive coping and problem-solving skills, including conflict-resolution
  • General life satisfaction, good self-esteem, sense of purpose
  • Easy access to effective medical and mental health resources


予微 (2013-06-29 06:12:59)


玉山峰 (2013-06-29 07:35:52)


天地一弘 (2013-06-29 08:25:28)


雨林 (2013-06-29 12:07:56)


心桥 (2013-06-29 13:46:38)

听到这个噩耗到现在7个星期,我一静下来就忍不住想到她,泪水还是止不住。周围的家长也都在思考: 到底我们的教育出了什么偏差?

心桥 (2013-06-29 13:52:06)


心桥 (2013-06-29 14:00:44)

2003年的文章“Jumpers”采访从金门大桥跳下后为数不多的幸存者,发现他/她们在空中的那一瞬间都后悔自己的选择了, 才发现一直以为不能改变的难题和困境,其实都没什么大不了,都可以补救。成人尚且摆脱不了一时的冲动,更何况涉世未深的少年?但4妙钟的时间,再幸运也只能做到改变落水的姿势,至少伤残。所以自杀的预防,还是要从小从心理承受力,感恩的心态和幸福感的培养做起。

心桥 (2013-06-29 14:06:36)


海云 (2013-06-29 14:28:00)


春阳 (2013-06-29 15:58:13)


牧童歌谣 (2013-06-30 04:01:36)

临睡前看到心桥老师这篇文章,心痛,震惊,怎么会这样? 可怜的孩子,你就这样走了吗?

鐡手 (2013-06-30 04:39:07)


心桥 (2013-06-30 05:51:47)


心桥 (2013-06-30 05:55:27)


心桥 (2013-06-30 06:02:42)


Sujuan (2013-06-30 23:17:37)

太可惜了。本人在过去五年内参加过二起青少年自杀的葬礼,一个二十二岁,一个二十八岁,都是花样年华,都各有各的理由结束生命。两家的父母从这件事中完全改变了他们的生命,相信这辈子都要面对无数的为什么和无边无垠的哀痛,任何生日节日,看到同龄的孩子,这种哀伤要一次又一次地排山倒海重复而来。其中一个母亲对我说,她因参加了一个斯坦福医院专门为自杀死亡家庭组织的支持哀伤团队(bereavement support group)后,心情才最终回转,因为不仅仅她一家忍受这样的惨痛•••,最终她自己也加入这个自愿者队伍帮助别的家庭因亲人自杀而痛不欲生。她说:女儿的死多少化为对他人的祝福,让她自己在经沧桑历苦海后还能笑出声来,还能帮助别人!记住,她和先生结婚很晩,只有这个女儿。我毎每想起这两位母亲都忍不住流泪,同时看着自己的三个孩子,总忘不了感恩和求神带领所有的孩子能走正当的人生之道,有喜乐有平安••••
