


Moving….for, like, the tenth time in my life now?


Moving is hard. This year, moving was even harder than last year, physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. I surprised myself by how sad I felt on my last day at Brooks Middle School. I mean, I’ve only been here for a year, so how can I feel the same level of regret as I did when I moved from a school I’ve been going to for three years? After pondering that for a few days, I got my answer.


When I moved from Malden last year, I was expecting a better school, a better environment. I had no idea how much I’ve lost until I’ve already lost it. Because of that, moving last year was only half sad for me. This year, as I was about to leave, it’s as if I was looking at my school through a filter. I realized that a whole year at Brook have established me a good reputation that would not be waiting for me at the other school I would be going to. I saw how easily I could joke around with the teachers and classmate, and I knew that it would be another year before I would feel that way. I saw how great and loyal my friends are, and I regret the fact that I would be losing them. All those thing I didn’t give a thought about last year, but haunted me all throughout the last day at my school.


Based on that discription, I should be horribly mournful right now, but I’m not. Along with the negative experiences I’ve gained, I also have positive ones. I now know that it is not impossible to have close friends that aren’t Asian. I realized that I can get along perfectly well with people who have different values than me. After only a year at Brooks, I’ve earned myself rights and reputations that took me three years in Malden. After only a year, I have a “welcoming” crew waiting for me in the morning and friends who would truly miss me. That gave me hope, and if I can do that in just one year, by the time I’m in highschool, I’ll be surrounded by a ring of friends again.


Another thing I noticed was that no matter how “finished” I feel, there’s always more to go. I thought after two years in Malden that I’ve achieved the highest “rank” in school that I could, but after three year I realized that’s not true. After a month at Brooks, I thought I’ve tried the hardest I could and school would never be as good as it was in Maden. Turned out I was wrong. A year later, I’m almost as comfortable in Brooks as I was in Malden. That realization made me less sad. If I hadn’t realized that, I would’ve though Ugh! Right after I’ve reached the top, I have to start all over again. Right now, I’m thinking Great! I’ve reached a few ledges, now I’m ready to climb to the real tip of the mountain.


I arrived and started school in Oak Park exactly a year ago. If you had asked me then whether I would move back to Malden if given a choice then, I would’ve replied with an immediate “YES!” If you had asked me that half a year ago, I would’ve said “Eh…I’m not sure. I’ve found a great church here…..I don’t think I would want to go back.” If you ask me now, though, I’m gonna replie with an immediate “NO!” What accounted for that change? Well, I guess it had something to do with the friends I’ve found at my school, and the bonds I’ve formed at the church. Thank god I’ll still be able to go to CBCOP (Chinese Bible Church of Oak Park) after I move this time.


Churh has helped me a lot. There are a lot of things I would like to thank the Lord for. Without him, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I found God just in time, and looking back on the past year, he helped me through a lot. There were days when I was lonely, and I found comfort in the fact that God understands me. There were days when I was angry, but wanting to live like God, I restrained myself from doing something I would regret. My three closest friends met me by chance, but there’s no doubt in my mind now about who arranged them to sit at that same table I sat in. Knowing that the Lord is with me through all that, and will be with me still, really gave me courage, and I know that I’ll do the right thing.


Anyway, now that all the excitement is over, I’ll have to clean up. After every party, the owner has to clean up, and moving seemed like a big party to me. I’ve got boxes and boxes of books and papers to organize, not to mention organizing supplies for my new school. Oh, and did I forget to say something about that gigantic pile of clothe I have to hang, new expectations for winter vacation, a winter retreat that’s coming up, a cold that’s already here, and trying to adapt to living inside a house after a whole life of apartments? Huh, guess I’ve said it now. Moving isn’t all about sentimental feelings, you know. There’s a bunch of “physical labor” waiting for me every time I set foot in my room. Well, adios amigos!


百草,我刚搬完家 ,还没有收拾完。昨天本来写了一半介绍,想上传女儿的作文,可是后来被什么事打断了,最后太累了就睡觉了。现在我把文章传上来了,至少是要给你看看孩子的进步。我从你诸多的文章中受益颇多,你最近关于留学生的文章,我也深有体会,帮着一个小留学生换接待家庭倍受挫折。






予微 (2013-01-13 04:41:28)


百草园 (2013-01-13 17:12:31)

小哭,怎么又搬家了?读了你女儿写的文章,能理解她的心情。Susan的年龄会很留恋那些已经交下来的朋友,她的文章里也写出了她的心态。这个年龄的孩子还不会理解,人生其实总是一个结束连着一个开始。还没读你后面贴的几篇,从这篇看,你应该多花一点时间跟Susan。跟她讲,从Malden到OakPark, 她做的非常好,相信下一步她会做的更好。现在的世界很小,有电脑、有网络,她会在keep老朋友的同时,交到更多的新朋友。新的学校,当然也要她努力去打一个新的天地。但以后的人生,大家都会去新的高中、新的大学、接受新的工作,她有了这个适应新环境的经验,以后会比别的孩子处理得更好。

阿朵 (2013-01-15 06:42:11)




周小哭 (2013-01-15 13:47:27)


周小哭 (2013-01-15 13:52:57)



周小哭 (2013-01-15 13:59:47)

好阿朵,你那么忙还上来留言,真是让人感动不已。我也觉得她现在要面对的一些困难,都将是她人生的一笔账富。她能够通过思考认真神,让我激动不已。这也是我那么急于把这个系列传上来的原因,也许只能帮到一个人,但是,都足够了。国内的一些朋友,在教育孩子时的观念有时和我很不一样,我知道是大环境导致了很多无奈,不过,如果无奈多到自己实在接受不了的时候,换个思路也许会有帮助。所谓人的尽头是神的开始,但愿孩子的这个系列作文能够从孩子的角度给家长一些启发。 Susan现在的思想状态,让我内心非常平静,我觉得她走在一条正确的道路上,方向已经不成为问题了,高度取决于赋予她的才能,多高都可以接受了。