台湾的高山茶之王 + 糯米糍

人说 Tea is at the heart of the Chinese culture.  这话不夸张。 







我喜欢和朋友, 和心爱的人泡上一壶好茶, 再配上一盘点心, 静静地聊天,  或者只是静静地欣赏茶香里友情。


台湾的乌龙茶是世界一流的。 其中又以高山乌龙茶为上品。

大禹岭乌龙茶是高山茶之王。 因为生长在是高山(海拔 > 2000m)茶, 生长慢,产量低,又比较难采摘, 所以是较贵重的乌龙茶,同事说贵到有人造假, 搞不好买到假货。


同事V送我一罐大禹岭乌龙茶,我很珍惜。V说为充分享受茶香的美味,要用紫砂壶泡茶, 水温不能太高。  我回家一试, 茶水颜色淡橙黄, 茶很经泡, 茶香持久。 很好喝, 几次都用这宝贝茶来招待客人。






Da Yu Ling oolong tea (wu-long tea) is a premium-grade oolong tea from the Da Yu Ling area of Taiwan's Taichung county. Its high altitude (more than 2400 meters) makes this one of the highest tea plantations in the world.

Da Yu Ling has a wonderful fragrance and taste. It is a lightly oxidized oolong tea with a refreshing palate that is sought after by the most demanding tea connoisseurs. Da Yu Ling is produced in limited quantities and is one of the most prized teas of Taiwan.

Da Yu Ling is located on Mount Li (Li Shan or Pear Mountain). The high elevation of this area causes the tea leaves to grow slowly and develop their smooth, rich flavor. To fully appreciate this fine oolong tea, it is recommended to brew it gong fu style.





台湾的糯米糍也很好吃, V还送过我不加防腐剂的糯米糍,各种口味, 五颜六色,好看又好吃。 我自己后来也在家里山寨了一下, 绝无添加剂,  做下午茶的点心正好。






  • 用蒸熟的南瓜泥和进糯米粉, 和成耳垂的软度, 



  • 包进红豆沙,




  • 蒸熟了


  • 沾一层椰丝


















幸福剧团 (2012-04-08 17:38:38)




好吃 (2012-04-09 01:07:12)


海云 (2012-04-10 22:34:32)



好吃 (2012-04-13 01:16:53)
