In the steps of our fathers 循着先辈的足迹
——纪念太平洋铁路150周年、 抗战胜利七十周年,中美青少年中英文作文大赛
1. 英文主题:In the Steps of Our Fathers
2. 中文主题:循着先辈的足迹 (副标题参赛者可自拟)
3. 征文要求:中英文均可参赛,50~ 2000字以内。故事、记叙文、议论文、诗歌等不限。
4. 大赛分小学组、初中组、高中组、大学组四个学段。
5. 注意事项:
A. 征文日期:2015年1月30日至2015年3月25日
B. 所有参赛稿件必须是未曾在公开刊物上发表的作品,严禁抄袭。
C. 所有参赛稿件务必在电子稿件主题注明“青少年征文大赛”字样。
D. 请在稿件后附上学校家庭地址、邮政编码、联系电话、电子信箱等联系方式。
E. 投稿邮箱中文组) (英文组)
6. 获奖名单将在《红杉林》杂志、其他中美媒体、网站、博客、贴吧公布。中外获奖作品将在征文专辑及APAPA News Letter刊登。
In the Steps of Our Fathers - Chinese American Youth Essay Contest
"Chinese Literature of the Americas" and “New Writing” proudly announce the 2015 international Chinese American Youth Essay Contest as a joint effort. The essay contest is cosponsored by The Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA)and Shin Shin Educational Foundation.
Essay Topic: In the Steps of Our Fathers (Subtitle determined by participate)
Participants: Students in elementary school, middle/junior high school, high school
and college/university.
Guidelines: 50~2000 words, in Chinese or English.
Entry must be original, unpublished work.
Entry must include the following information:
* Participant’s name, grade level, school name;
* Participant’s email address, phone number,
Closing date: March 25, 2015 (Starting on1/30/2015)
Submission address: (English Essay) (Chinese Essay)
Award Ceremony: Winners will be announced and awarded on the ceremony with speeches given by the leaders and representatives from APAPA, Chinese Consulate, Mayer’s office etc.. Entertainments and other activities are included. Winners’ name and articles will be posted on websites as well as magazines, blogs and other media.
Please refer to the following web sites for more important and detailed information.
-------------------Participant Information/ 参赛者信息----------------------------
Name: | 参赛选手姓名: |
Academic advisor: | 指导教师: |
School Name
grade level | 学校名称 年级 |
Mobile No. : E-mail: | 联系电话: 电子邮箱: |