新聞發佈 Press Release





蔡金冬是在美國最活躍的中國指揮家。他現任美國斯坦福大學指揮教授,交響樂研究部主任,斯坦福交響樂團指揮。 他極力推動中國作品在美國的傳播,指揮過周龍、陈怡、谭盾,盛中亮,瞿小松、王西麟等中國作曲家的作品。蔡先生曾两次獲得美國阿斯苯(ASPEN)音樂節的指揮特别奖。蔡金冬與美國许多交響樂團合作,包括阿肯色州交響樂團、阿斯苯節目樂團、莱星顿愛樂樂團、肯塔基州交響樂團、西雅圖西北室内樂團、图桑交響樂團,路易斯安那愛樂樂團等,他还曾應邀执棒于欧洲,南美洲,澳大利亚,新西兰等国家和地区。
      蔡先生曾與很多中國國內樂團合作,包括上海交響樂團,上海广播交響樂團,中央歌剧院交響樂團,中国广播交響樂團,广州交響樂團,四川愛樂樂團,武汉樂團, 天津交響樂團等等。


趙聰 (1976年 -)琵琶演奏家
        她曾多次與中央民族樂團,中國愛樂樂團,中國交響樂團,东京城市交響樂團,韩国漢城交響樂團;丹麦广播交響樂團等樂團合作。 纽约林肯中心,卡内基音樂厅,华盛顿國家音樂厅,巴黎香榭丽舍大剧院,日本札幌音樂厅,雅典卫城剧场,荷兰阿姆斯特丹音樂厅以及圣彼得堡大剧院,中國國家大剧院等國際音樂舞台上,都留下了她美妙的琴声。《英國衛報》,《韩國日報》,《澳大利亚華人報》《影響》、《樂器》、《環球音樂》、《人民音樂留声机》《國際交流》、《北京晚報》、《北京青年報》、《中國文化報》、《音樂週報》、新浪网、千龍信息网、搜狐、日本朝日电视台,凤凰衛視,中央电视台、北京电视台、中央广播电台、法國國家广播电台,北京广播电台及一些國外知名媒体都對趙聰進行過報導。中央电视台音樂频道於2006年 11月录制《國樂驕子》趙聰個人專訪。2008 年5月《风華國樂.“推荐”》录制 “趙聰專訪——《聆听中國》”做為欄目样片首播。

于麗娜 ⼥高音歌唱家
國家⼀一級演員,中國⾳樂家協會會員,中國國際友聯會理事,中國世界民族⽂化交流促進會理事,中國環境文化促進會理事。 國家及专家大獎⾸届中國⾳樂⾦獎獲得者,國際民歌節暨中華民歌演唱大賽第⼀名。于麗娜善於運用不同的⾳色演繹不同風格的作品,并逐漸形成了独特的演唱⾵格。她的演唱集聲、情、境為⼀一体,惟妙惟肖,出神⼊化,并以演唱中國傳統民歌尤其冀东傳統民歌⻅長;她在近年潜心研究揣摩,全⾝心投入录制咏荷诗歌曲50首之多,为当今诵唱荷花诗歌最多的歌者。出版發⾏個⼈演唱專輯中國民歌經典《绣灯笼》,中國當代⻘年歌唱家系列唱片《麗⾳稀聲》,原创歌曲專輯《和谐的呼喚》,顶级發烧⽰範唱⽚片《美麗歌韵》。主要獲獎經歷:中央⼈人民廣播电台全國《廣播新歌——每周⼀一歌》評選演唱金獎 ;中國音樂家協會《全國歌手唱雲南》⻘年歌⼿電視大獎賽專業组⼀一等獎;⾸届中國音樂《⾦鐘獎》⾦獎;中華民歌演唱大賽第一名;中央电视台三角杯第六届⾳樂電視大賽金獎。


2015 中國新年音樂會- 中國深圳交響樂團
指揮:     蔡金冬
時間:        2015年2月 25日,  星期三晚 7:30
地點:        Benaroya Hall -西雅圖

票價: $40/$30/$20,  VIP $100
on-line: 網上訂票        or call 866-833-4747

Pacific NW Cultural Exchange Council or email info@ChineseCultureFestival.org


808 西雅圖華人高爾夫俱樂部

Press Release

For Immediate Release
Contact: Austin Huang
Pacific Northwest Cultural Exchange Council
(360) 224-4888
January 12, 2015

Shenzhen Symphony Comes to Seattle for Special
2015 Chinese New Year Concert

One of China’s finest orchestras will perform in Seattle for a special Chinese New Year event in February. In collaboration with the Seattle Symphony and Stanford University, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra will present an enchanted evening of music with conductor Jindong Cai, legendary pianist Yin Chengzong and Chinese pipa virtuoso Zhao Cong. The concert will be held at Benaroya Hall on Wednesday, February 25, bringing classical music together with Chinese artistic traditions in celebration of the Year of the Sheep.

The Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of orchestra president Mr. Chen Chuansong and music director Dr. Christian Ehwald, was founded in 1982 and has built up a major classical repertoire both at home and abroad over three decades. The symphony has performed before audiences throughout China, Asia and Europe. The Seattle Chinese New Year concert is its North American debut.

Featured Musicians:

Jindong Cai (蔡金冬)Professor and Conductor, Stanford University

Jindong Cai joined the Stanford faculty in 2004 as the first holder of the Gretchen B. Kimball Director of Orchestral Studies Chair. He has held positions as assistant conductor with the Cincinnati Symphony and the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, working closely with conductors Jésus López-Cobos, Erich Kunzel, and Keith Lockhart. He led the Cincinnati Philharmonia Orchestra on a successful concert tour to Portugal, the only American orchestra invited to participate in the Cultural Festival of World Expo 1998 in Lisbon. He has also served on the faculties at Louisiana State University, the University of Arizona, the University of California at Berkeley, and the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati.

Yin Chengzong (殷承宗)Pianist

Legendary Pianist Yin Chengzong began learning piano at seven years old and gave
his first recital at the age of nine. He studied piano in the preparatory school of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 1959, Yin won an award at the World Youth Peace and Friendship Festival in Vienna, Austria, and in 1960, he was sent to the Leningrad Conservatory to study. In 1962, he and American pianist Susan Starr were the second prize winners of the International Tchaikovsky Competition (Vladimir Ashkenazy
shared the first-prize with British pianist John Odgon). In 1965, Yin joined the Central Symphony Orchestra of China as a soloist. He is one of the major composers for the Yellow River piano concerto.

In 1983, Yin immigrated to the US, and in the same year, he made his debut in Carnegie Hall in New York City. Yin has since performed under the baton of Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra, Claudio Abbado and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill Kondrashin and the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, and Sir Malcolm Sargent and the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra. Yin has also appeared in Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, and at Lincoln Center. His solo performances were featured on China Central Television and CBS Sunday Morning. Formerly a professor and artist in-residence at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Mr. Yin now lives in New York City. Yin has released more than 20 albums, including an all-Chopin CD, a recording of Debussy's Preludes, and the Yellow River Concerto.

Zhao Cong (趙聰)Pipa Virtuoso

Zhao Cong plays the ancient Chinese pipa, a four-stringed instrument sometimes referred to as the Chinese lute. She learned to play from a very early age and won her first important award at the age of 13. Ms. Zhao was later recruited as first pipa soloist of the Central Orchestra for Chinese Music in Beijing. Ms. Zhao has toured in over 20 countries and performed for a dozen heads of state. Her popularity outside China and extensive touring have broadened her musical references to embrace other musical cultures and traditions, so that she now often performs a fascinating blend of classical Chinese music and music with Western references.

Yu Lina (于麗娜)Soprano
Many award winners, national first class soprano, from Beijing.


2015 Chinese New Year Concert Featuring China Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra

Conductor: Jindong On-line /> When:         Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Where:        Benaroya Hall, Seattle

Tickets: $20/ $30 /$40 / VIP $100
Call 866-833-4747
Online tickets available here: Purchase Tickets

For more information contact the Pacific Northwest Cultural Exchange Council
www.chineseculturefestival.org   Email: info@ChineseCultureFestival.org
Phone: 360-224-4888

Supporting organizations:

Washington State China Relation Council
City of Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs
Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Seattle Symphony
Seattle Youth Symphony
808 Seattle Chinese Golf Club
Ministry of Culture of People's Republic of China
Confucius Institute of Washington State