偶尔温柔 (Tender Occasionally)


偶尔温柔 (Tender Occasionaly)


吃过早餐, 丈夫正准备出门, 伍月突然说: “请稍等, 今天是你讲演的日子。我送你去火车站。”


丈夫听了有些受宠若惊, 伍月窃喜, 心里暗忖道:"都说男人喜欢小鸟依人的女人, 看来我家先生也不例外。如此说来, 偶尔温柔, 大有好处。"

月后悔为什么以往不曾想到送先生去火车站, 可转念一想,倘若天天如此, 他岂不对此习以为常了? 伍月自圆其说。

其实送他去地铁站,对伍月来不过是举手之劳, 顺路而已。她每日待在酒店里无事可做, 除了去市区的繁华地段闲逛或到护城河边散步, 剩余的时间都泡在网络上了。


她迅速地收拾利落, 随先生出了酒店。酒店离中心火车站很近, 只有7-8分钟的路程。室外阳光明媚的, 微风习习, 他们牵着手, 谈笑风生地来到站台上。不一会儿一辆列车驶进了站台, 但不是先生要搭的车。他有些纳闷,  但很快意识到站台也不是往日等车的站台。刚才只顾着和妻子说笑, 拐弯时多下了一层,  走错了站台。


两人迅速地赶到另一个站台。站台上静悄悄的, 没有几个人, 先生要乘的车姗姗来迟, 他已经迟到了。


列车终于到站了,  伍月对先生柔声说: “ Good Luck! 亲爱的。”

先生上车前给妻子一个吻, 上车后在车箱里向她挥手告别。火车徐徐地开走了, 站台上空荡荡的, 只剩下伍月, 她突然觉得有些失落, 一股淡淡的忧伤涌上心头,   这还是他们第一次在火车站分手。


她走出地铁站, 来到通往市中心的城门,不再想去喧嚣的市区, 只想沿着护城河静静地一直往前走。


她慢吞吞地走着, 陷入了沉思。若不是自己心血来潮, 要去车站给他送行, 一路上东拉西扯地和他闲聊, 他也不至于心不在焉地走错站台。 这几日他天天在同一站台等车, 从未出过错,  偏偏刚才当着自己的面出了差。


这次先生来异国的主要目的就是为了这个讲演,  今天对他犹为重要。可她偏偏在这个关口害他迟到了,   都是这温柔念想惹的祸,  但愿他不是第一个讲演者……


伍月闷闷不乐地胡思乱想着, 一阵熟悉的手机铃声打断了她的思绪,  耳边传来先生欢快的声音。


 “亲爱的,  对不起, 明天才是我讲演的日子, 是我搞混了……”




Tender Occasionally


Having had breakfast, May’s husband was ready to leave.  She said suddenly: "Wait a minute, today is the day of your presentation, I‘ll see you off at the train station."


He was pleasantly surprised and May grinned in her heart. She remembered the common wisdom about how men like gentle girls, and  it seemed that her own husband was no exception.  Occasional gentleness was a good thing.


May wondered why she had not thought of seeing him off to the train station previously, and then she changed her mind.  “If I were to do that every day, would he then become accustomed to it?”  She made excuses for herself.

It happened that sending him to the train station on this day would be easy and convenient.  She had nothing else to do other than strolling through the busy downtown area or walking along the moat.    After exhausting herself by walking, she would usually spend the remaining time on the internet.

She quickly made herself presentable; then followed her husband out of the hotel.  The central railway station was only a few blocks away; a 7-8 minute walk.  It was a sunny day with a gentle breeze.  They walked along the sidewalk holding hands, talking and laughing.  Shortly after they arrived at the platform, a train arrived, but it was not the train her husband was waiting for.   He was a bit puzzled, but soon realized that the platform was not the one he had used before.  It turned out that they had descended one level too far while he was talking with her.


They rushed up to the other platform.   It was quiet with only few people there; his train was not coming yet.  He was already late.


The train finally pulled in.  "Good Luck, Dear!"  May said softly to her husband.


He kissed her before he strode onto the train, then waved goodbye to her from inside the train.  The train slowly departed.   The platform was almost empty now, and May was left alone.  She suddenly felt a little lost and sad; this was the first time they had separated at the train station.


She walked out of the subway and came to the gate leading to the city center, no longer wanting to be among the hustle and bustle of downtown.   She just stayed by the moat and walked straight ahead quietly.


If not because of her whim to see him off to the station and her chatting as they walked the whole way, he would not have absent-mindedly gone to the wrong place at the subway.  



The main purpose of the trip to this foreign country was to present this lecture, and this day was an important day for him.  It was she who made him late on this critical day; all this happened because of this tender thought.   Hopefully, he was not to be the first speaker......


May was cranky by herself.  A familiar ringtone interrupted her thoughts, and her husband’s cheerful voice came to her ear.


"Dear, I’m sorry, tomorrow is the day of my speech, and I was confused ......"



May 22, 2014 in Nuremburg, Germany

木桐白云 (2014-06-29 08:43:52)


雨林 (2014-06-29 16:05:10)

好喜欢春山的文字和写作的意境, 难得常常有这样细微的感受还能够写下来。英文版的你先生也会跟读吧?欧洲的氛围明显地可以让日子少一些粗糙,“火车徐徐地开走了, 站台上空荡荡的, 只剩下伍月, 她突然觉得有些失落, 一股淡淡的忧伤涌上心头,   这还是他们第一次在火车站分手”。



(中文的题目里面occacionally 少一个l)。



春山如笑 (2014-06-29 18:00:19)

非常感激木桐的理解与不断鼓励, 在写作方面我只是刚刚学步. 多谢指教! 你的作品总是传递着一种激发人心的正能量, 已经开始喜欢永平这个在逆境中奋发的年青人.

春山如笑 (2014-06-29 18:21:53)

谢谢雨林懂我! 只有在纽伦堡这样的欧洲城市才会有两个人的站台, 容易让人产生离别的忧伤。英文部分今早已让先生看过并帮我做了些许修改, 他只会写技术性的东西, 从来不读小说, 我的两篇有英文对照的除外 。非常感谢你帮我改错别字,  老写中文, 都不记得英文的spelling check 了。周末愉快!

呢喃 (2014-06-30 08:11:24)


夕林 (2014-06-30 17:45:32)


熊猫 (2014-06-30 18:12:29)
肖红 (2014-07-02 02:43:45)


春山如笑 (2014-07-02 02:45:16)


春山如笑 (2014-07-02 02:47:34)

婚姻保鲜的道理人人皆知, 但做到并不容易。谢谢夕林阅读留言!

春山如笑 (2014-07-02 02:53:29)

谢谢熊猫鼓励并纠正别字, 已经改过来了. 问好!

春山如笑 (2014-07-02 03:59:48)

谢谢肖红来访, 这里采用了小说体材......夏安!