Shrimp salad


ingredients: cooked shrimp 1 LB, 2 tomatoes, 1 baby cucumber, 1 or2 avocado, 1/2 cup chopped cilantro ,1 lemon (juiced), sea salt, freshly ground black pepper.

chop shrimp , tomatoes, cucumber and avocado the size that you like.

put chopped shrimp and cucumber into a bowl mix first ,then squeeze half of lemon juice into it ,then mix well. 

Then, add chopped tomatoes, avocado, and cilantro into the bowl , add sea salt and black pepper, squeeze another half of lemon juice , toss to combine. 

Done. It's very easy ,quick and healthy.

you also can mix with some olive oil or grape seed oil. 

阿朵 (2013-03-22 05:49:38)


Julie (2013-03-22 13:47:59)

Thank you :)

渺渺 (2013-03-22 14:09:46)


海云 (2013-03-23 02:46:46)


Julie (2013-03-23 21:07:22)

Sure. I try. 

ingredients: cooked shrimp 1 LB, 2 tomatoes, 1 baby cucumber, 1 or2 avocado, 1/2 cup chopped cilantro ,1 lemon (juiced), sea salt, freshly ground black pepper.

chop shrimp , tomatoes, cucumber and avocado the size that you like.

put chopped shrimp and cucumber into a bowl mix first ,then squeeze half of lemon juice into it ,then mix well. 

Then, add chopped tomatoes, avocado, and cilantro into the bowl , add sea salt and black pepper, squeeze another half of lemon juice , toss to combine. 

Done. It's very easy ,quick and healthy.

you also can mix with some olive oil or grape seed oil. 

渺渺 (2013-03-24 02:27:31)
谢菜谱!有空时准备试试!有点不明白的是为什么是加入海盐呢?(add sea salt ),这和普通盐有啥区别呢?多谢解释啦!
渺渺 (2013-03-24 02:31:08)

谢菜谱!有空时准备试试!有点不明白的是为什么是加入海盐呢?(add sea salt ),这和普通盐有啥区别呢?多谢解释啦!

Julie (2013-03-28 03:16:22)

Sea salt is more pure than the table salt, and has a different taste. I personally like it.