

Copmasspoint Mentorship是我和我的大学同学们创建的,是大学生帮助中学生的一个非盈利组织,我们每个月会推荐一些文章和video,下面是这个月的newsletter,发在这,感兴趣的同学可以借鉴参考。


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October CompassPoint Newsletter

Hi CompassPoint! We hope you are getting back into the gear of school. Keep up the great mentoring! We are here to help you with the new challenges you are facing this year.  

October Tidbits

1. Top 10 Ways to Make Yourself Look (and Be) Smarter  by Wilston Gordon
Whether you're trying to survive an intensive college schedule or just want to seem smarter in front of your friends, you can do a lot of things to both look and be smarter. Here are ten simple tricks for boosting your real (and perceived) brain power.

2. 5 Qualities of Charismatic People. How Many Do You Have? by Denise Rastauri
"Everyone can be charismatic. We are not born charismatic - we cultivate it many ways. One way is by observing and learning from people who you think are charismatic. You don't need to copy them, but learn their secrets, try them on and fine-tune them until they fit you."

3. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are by Amy Cuddy 
Can your body language change your mind, and in turn, your behavior? In this TED Talk, Amy Cuddy discusses her research, which reveals "power posing" impacts testosterone and controls cortisol levels in the brain.   From that, she gives a life-changing piece of advice: "Fake it until you become it."

Quote of the Month...
“There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate.”
Robert Brault