Family With Six Treasure (05)

Family With Six Treasure (05)



Mrs. Li smiled lovingly at Betty and said, "silly child. We're inviting guests who can help themselves to what we offer them. We don't need a bartender."


"Wait a minute." Professor Li asked, "Can the cousin of your friend drive a car?"


"He has a beat-up old Buick; but he's mechanically talented and whenever the car breaks down he knows exactly what to do to get it going again. He's really very talented," Betty's enthusiastic description made the impecunious fellow sound like a hero.


Hearing Betty's comments, Professor Li said to his wife, "Let's hire him as a helper. All of the Chinese fellows live in New York City. None of them has a car. If he can drive the guests back and forth, serve the wine and help me move some of the heavy things, he will be a good helper. I am not so young anymore.”


Betty hopped from one foot to the other in her happiness at their decision. She kissed each parent, saying, "that's so great! He gets paid $60 for a whole day. Now he'll make some money and he won't have to worry about the money anymore!" Then, she flew up the stairs to call with the good news. Her intention of walking around to stretch her legs has flown, too, all the way to Timbuktu.


Professor Li thought about how different the customs in America were from that of the Chinese. He could not remember a time in his life when he had hugged or kissed his parents. It just was not done. This 'hugging and kissing' is one American custom pleasing to Professor Li and Mrs. Li. The two of them smiled and looked at each other for a while. Then the Li's continued their guest list discussions.


Every time she saw or talked to Betty in the coming days, Mrs. Li reminded her that she must come home to play hostess for their party. To Mrs. Li’s surprise, not only did Betty agree immediately, but she also brought the roommate’s cousin home with her on Friday night, much earlier than the Li’s had expected.


The roommate's cousin was a white American with bright blue eyes and very blonde hair. He was not so bad looking. But his clothes were on the shabby side, jeans washed out to white, and both jacket and jeans were quite threadbare.


"Oh well. He is only here for a day," Professor Li said to himself. He wrinkled his forehead with displeasure but said nothing as he took the young man Betty has brought to the basement to move around the heavy furniture in preparation for the party.


"He must have been fed much bread and butter," the Professor speculated, recalling that the strength of Americans had always attributed to the fact that they ate plenty of these staples at an early age. "He really is strong and healthy," Professor Li thought that he had already gotten his money's worth from the young man, just in the energy that saved his old bones.


At three o'clock, Professor Li said, "here is the guest list with the addresses," as he handed it to the Caucasian.


Betty, who has been hovering nearby, says, "his name is Bill."


Bill took the list and went to his car. He opened the Glove compartment to take out a street map of New York City. Betty climbed into the front seat with Bill, and together, they studied the plan to lay out the most efficient itinerary. Shortly after, a bombastic noise emanated from the car, along with heavy black smoke from the tailpipe. Bill started the engine. Slowly, very slowly, the car moved forward accompanied by a cacophony of clanking.


Professor Li saw the car moving and quickly ran after the car, yelling, "Stop! Stop!”


Betty poked her head, ponytail swinging merrily back and forth, out of the window and asked, "what's the matter, Dad?"


In Chinese, Professor Li said, "If the car breaks down on the way to New York and everyone turns to see what is the matter, it is a big scene but of little significance to you. If the car breaks down with guests in the car and delays them, it puts your entire future in jeopardy and is of great significance."


Question marks marching across her forehead. Betty pushed her glasses up and shouted, "What?" She has studied Chinese for more than two years, getting "A's" all the time, but she didn't understand the meaning of the Chinese words her father had just spoken.


Her father solved the problem even though Betty still did not understand that there was a problem by saying, "Tell him to drive my car." He gave his car key to Bill.


(To Be Continued)