我为什么还活着?- 谈青少年自杀(上)


-    谈青少年自杀(上)


  201356日,我们 Fremont 校区一位拥有全A成绩的11年级亚裔女生,从金门大桥跳下,结束了自己风华正茂的17岁。

      七天后,静寂的 Irvington Memorial 墓园里,我泪眼模糊,看着那巨大的棺木被缓缓地降到穴底,然后一束束洁白的鲜花落在上面,“咚咚”的声音好象在敲门,试图唤醒沉睡的她。




            初中的时候,爸爸妈妈在家里的争吵愈演愈烈,没心思管我们三个孩子。弟妹还小,天性敏感的我觉得活着真没意思,经常想到自杀。当时热播的日本连续剧《血疑》女主角幸子身患血癌,我就每天看着电视稀哩哗啦地掉眼泪。幸子曾经说到“我要像非洲野象一样孤独地死去” ,我觉得那该有多么浪漫,也想象着自己“像非洲野象一样孤独地死去”,追悼辞都给自己写好了。

            今年三月九日一大早,看到邻市Palo Alto本学年第三位高中生自尽身亡的噩耗,我的泪水夺眶而出,两年前的记忆像潮水一样淹没了我。 



         美国疾病控制与预防中心(Center of Disease Control and Prevention–CDC) 2013年春季在上万名9到12年级学生中的调查表明:

         -           15%的青少年报告曾很严肃地考虑过自杀

            -           13%报告已经为此作了计划

            -           8%过去的12个月中已经尝试过自杀

(Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance — United States, 2013http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/ss/ss6304.pdf?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=youth-risk-behavior-surveillance-united-states-2013-pdf)




2013年 CDC 统计数据显示, 美国15到24岁间的年轻人中因自杀身亡的只有近万分之一(10.9 per 100,000 population)






研究表明,90%死于自杀的人有精神健康疾患。从作家张纯如,到喜剧大师Robyn Williams,每年都有名人因抑郁症而自尽,最近几年关于自尽高中生的调查也不例外。国家精神健康研究所(National Institute of Mental Health)报告,近 11% 的青少年有抑郁,近8% 的青少年有焦虑,而其中只有 18-25%会寻求治疗。 




湾区华裔聚集,有讲中文雇员的咨询机构非常多。如果孩子心理有需要,请家长一定要像对待生理疾病一样,支持孩子就医。Easy access to effective medical and mental health resources 是 National Association of School Psychologists推荐的防御自杀机制必不可少的一项。 

Asian Community Mental Health Services: Phone: (510) 451-6729

           Asian American Community Involvement : 408-975-2730 http://www.aaci.org

           NAMI Santa Clara Support Group: (Mandarin) 408-996-1016

          Adolescent Counseling Services : 650-424-0852 http://www.acs-teens.org/
           Fremont Youth & Family Services: Phone: (510) 574-2157


Alameda County Teens for Life Hotline: 1-800-309-2131

            CA Youth Crisis line: 1-800-843-5200

            National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)


自杀并非一个“原因”造成,而是有以下 Risk Factors,然后一个 trigger 引发: 

Suicide Risk Factors:   

    • Mental illness including depression, conduct disorders, and substance abuse.
    • Family stress/dysfunction.
    • Environmental risks, such as presence of a firearm in the home.
    • Situational crises (i.e., traumatic death of a loved one, physical or sexual abuse, family violence, etc.). 


国家精神健康研究院 (NIMH) 研究曾清楚地指出,青少年自杀的诱因 (trigger) 常常是“失望,失败,被拒绝等,比如和女朋友分手,考试成绩不理想,或者家庭纠纷”。

           Common situations and circumstances that seem to trigger suicide:

 -       major disappointment, rejection, failure, or loss such as breaking up with a girlfriend or boyfriend, failing a big exam, or witnessing family turmoil.  

Teenage Suicide http://www2.nami.org/Content/ContentGroups/Helpline1/Teenage_Suicide.htm 

            为什么当年我有 Risk Factor(父母争吵不休),也有征兆(给自己写下追悼辞), 但是没死成呢?除了没有 access to lethal means(当时住平房,家里没有枪或毒药,市内也还没建火车,等),广为引用的 Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (Thomas Joiner, 2007) 解释,还需要求死的欲望才能完成自杀。求死的欲望来自人长期体验 “perceived burdensomeness and sense of low belongingness”  

            看到这里我才恍然大悟,这不是和我讲座中常提到的孩子基本的心理需要,competence and connection,正好相反吗?如果有成就感,他们就会觉得自己有价值,不会觉得是“负担”;如果和周围的人有亲密的关系,就不会缺乏归属感。当年很幸运自己学习能力强,所以在学业上找到成就感;再加上生性外向,身边没缺过朋友,所以才没有被一时的绝望推上不归之路。 

这也是为什么 National Association of School Psychologists “Family support and cohesion, including good communication”列为提高青少年抗挫折能力的第一条,因为良好的家庭关系和亲子交流会增强孩子的归属感,温暖的家应该永远是孩子力量的源泉。同时,孩子有自己独特的个性,爱好和特长,需要父母多花心思去观察和了解,有爱和接纳,才能让他/她们亮出自己的色彩,找到成就感和价值。http://www.nasponline.org/resources/crisis_safety/suicideprevention.aspx 


。科普自杀征兆,培训更多门人” (Gatekeeper) 

        研究表明,自杀是可以预防的 (preventable),其中一个关键步骤就是科普自杀征兆。50% 到75%的人在自杀前有征兆,而这些征兆是最容易被熟悉他们的家人,朋友和老师察觉到的 


Suicide Warning Signs:

    • Suicidal threats in the form of direct and indirect statements.
    • Suicide notes and plans.
    • Prior suicidal behavior.
    • Making final arrangements (e.g., making funeral arrangements, writing a will, giving away prized possessions).
    • Preoccupation with death.
    • Changes in behavior, appearance, thoughts and/or feelings. 

Dr. Barry N. Feldman, Director of psychiatric programs, University of Massachusetts Medical School , 麻省自杀防预专家,把这些征兆总结成FACTS: 

F — Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness, badness, fears of losing control and harming oneself, sadness, anger, anxiety, self-loathing.

 A — Actions of drug or alcohol abuse, talking or writing about death and destruction, getting into fights, or doing dangerous things.

 C — Changes in personality: acting like a different person, being withdrawn and tired, not caring about anything; becoming more talkative or outgoing, or dramatic mood changes. Changes in school participation and performance. Change in sleeping patterns, appearance, or eating habits. Sudden improvement after being down can mean the youth has made a decision to solve his problem by taking his life.

 T — Threats: Overt statements like “I wish I could die,” or covert statements, such as giving away favorite possessions, stashing pills, or painting a picture of dying.

 S — Situations: Getting into trouble at school, at home, in relationships, or with the law. 


我在学校曾经帮助过的几位有自杀倾向的高中生,都是朋友或父母带到我办公室来的。有更多的“看门人”,我们才能为有风险 (risk) 的孩子及时提供服务。

, 青少年的大脑:情绪调控和抗压机制还在建设中,冲动常占上风 

美国10以上的人口中自只是死亡原因的第十位,但到了10到24岁这个年龄阶段却上升第三位,每年4,600死于自,。更可怕的是同时还有近157,000 的同龄人曾在急救室“receive medical care for self-inflicted injuries”。(http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pub/youth_suicide.html)  青少年期间死亡的首位原因,意外事故,以及“盲从”造成的 suicide cluster,都是和这个年龄阶段大脑的发育特点息息相关。 

国家精神健康研究院(National Institute of Mental Health)Teen Brain: Still Under Construction 一文中总结: 大脑成熟的顺序是从后向前的, 这是脑神经被髓鞘包裹的过程。神经只有被髓鞘包裹好后它的信号才能最快地传导到目的地。青少年时期记忆力,阅读理解,数学分析,运动等功能逐渐达到顶峰,但与其它的脑叶相比,大脑的额叶(frontal lobe) 最不成熟、信号传导性能最差,要到25岁左右才能完全发育成熟。而额叶却总管对危险和冒险的判断能力,控制冲动,计划和选择自己的行为,是大脑的总指挥。这是很多青少年情绪化、易怒、冲动、注意力不集中、做事欠条理、易受毒品、酒的诱惑以及喜欢冒险的本质原因。 

Teen Brain: Still Under Construction http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-teen-brain-still-under-construction/index.shtml

        Teens’ brains make them more vulnerable to suicide http://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/2014/03/09/brain-development-makes-teens-more-vulnerable-suicide-and-mood-disorders/tGBStHOnjqAyanfCe7rbsK/story.html

(无法上传大脑 scan 图片,请点击此链接:http://harvardmagazine.com/2008/09/the-teen-brain.html




     -       Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to function best 

-       Understand the biological sleep patterns shift toward later times: 11 p.m. to 7 or 8 a.m. is an ideal time for teen’s brain to rest and develop 

-       Regular sleep patterns across the week: do not oversleep during weekends 

“Inadequate sleep is a powerful contributor to irritability and depression. Studies of children and adolescents have found that sleep deprivation can increase impulsive behavior; some researchers report finding that it is a factor in delinquency. Adequate sleep is central to physical and emotional health.” http://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-topics/teens-and-sleep


 “Recent studies indicate that those who have attempted suicide may also have low levels of the brain chemical serotonin. Serotonin helps control impulsivity, and low levels of the brain chemical are thought to cause more impulsive behavior. Suicides are often committed out of impulse.”  (How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs


          抗抑郁药就是人工地去增加人内 serotonin的含量,有许多自然的方法也可以增加人脑内 serotonin的分泌,包括充足的阳光,体力活动等。

-       Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin that will reduce stress, ward off anxiety and feelings of depression, boost self-esteem and improve sleep.



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百草园 (2015-03-20 11:08:02)


雨林 (2015-03-21 11:33:36)

心桥好。 感谢你的好文章。懂得你心里的痛。期待下文。

红叶 (2015-03-21 22:33:03)




生。 目前有数十亿美金投入到抑郁症的研究,而心理变态的治疗则被忽视,也许


心桥 (2015-03-22 06:30:17)

感谢百草园,雨林和红叶对青少年精神健康的关注。上个星期准备“自杀预防”的讲座,常边查资料边忍不住掉眼泪。Even One is Too Many for Suicide because it is preventable.  值得欣慰的是绝大多数孩子经历过彷徨,挣扎甚至叛逆后都会找到自己人生的方向。

渺渺 (2016-03-06 12:17:49)
