







只有人 在走近死亡的时候欢呼 

不管过年 还是过生日 我们都离死亡近了一步 我们庆贺

我不知道是看穿了生死的从容 还是破罐子破摔的无奈 亦或是 忘却死亡的糊涂


小时候 你说不想长大 我和你妈都很诧异 问起 你小声说怕爸爸妈妈变老 你的回答 让我很伤感 虽然没跟你说
那么小 你就恐惧衰老和死亡 爸爸一直不知道怎么跟你表述 人存在的意义 表述生死
今天 爸爸想跟你说说 爸爸存在的理由
爸爸在这里 是为了爸爸不在的时候 你能够无碍前行
爸爸无力为你铺就一路鲜花 就算爸爸能够做到 鲜花总会枯萎 而你

你会遇到坦途 也会遇到坎坷 爸爸希望能够让你 经过坦途时不自负、不松懈 经过坎坷时不自卑、不气馁
是你的,一定会来 我们每时每刻都在得到,要感恩 不是你的,一定会走 我们每时每刻都在失去,不苛求
爸爸无法让天空每天阳光灿烂 你会遇到蓝天白云 也会也到狂风暴雨 爸爸希望让你 能在蓝天白云下欢快舞蹈 也能在狂风暴雨中尽情歌唱

爸爸无力为你准备一辈子都花不完的钱 你也许不会知道什么叫做贫穷 也许,会为每天的生计发愁 爸爸希望让你无论过得奢华 还是简朴 都会感恩 会分享 你会知道,给予就是财富

爸爸无法给你一份永恒的情感 当然爸爸支持你追求你想要的幸福 爸爸也希望让你知道 如果情感之下有纯净心灵打造的更为坚实的信仰基础 你就不会忐忑 你可以一直欣赏,你的爱

不管你走进 还是离开 爸爸都会赞许

爸爸无法一直保护你 爸爸会走 为了下一个旅程 早晚 你将独自前行 你会遇到友好 也会遇到恶意 不管你多么善良 因为世间就是这样,不好,不坏

你也会知道 宠爱不是宠爱 伤害不是伤害
爸爸希望让你增长智慧 能够看清人,看清事,看清理 希望让你学会以慈悲之心超越善恶 学会如太阳一般 既照耀鲜花狮虎 也照耀荆棘蚊虫
感恩美好 感化丑恶
爸爸能做的不多 就这些了 如果你能智慧 如果你能慈悲
爸爸会很放心 放心离去 启发你的智慧 浇灌你的慈悲 智慧让你认识生命的本质 慈悲让你享受生命的大乐


为了爸爸走的时候 你我能够默契地坦然微笑 为了我们这一生一世的缘分 或许 还有来生来世的相遇 相知 

这就是 爸爸存在的理由

让他知道你很爱他:7种方式向父亲表达你的爱 (ZT)

It might seem like your dad will be around forever, but your time together can be cut short when you least expect it. Take advantage of the time you have with your father. Expressions of love are not always easy.They often take conscious effort.



The parent-child relationship is one of the longest-lasting social ties human beings establish," says Kira Birditt, researcher at the Michigan Institute for Social Research. Whether your dad's been in your life all along, or you just recently rekindled your relationship, there are many ways to show your dad you love him.

密西根州社会研究所的研究员基拉-博蒂特曾说过:“亲子关系是人类建立维持的最长的社会关系之一。” 不管你父亲是一直在你身边,还是你刚刚才重拾这份关系,始终会有很多的方法让你父亲知道你很爱他。


1. Say the words,"I love you."



Maybe this phrase was not used much in your home, so it could be tough to utter at first. In that case, it's possible your father won't be able to return the sentiment. Don't take it personally. The main issue is not to have regrets. Let your dad know what you admire about him and why you're proud. Don't take for granted that he knows.



2. Seek your father's advice and opinions.



This applies from childhood to adulthood. He'll be pleased that you want his guidance. Listen to him. You don't always have to agree, but he will be flattered that you asked.



3. Invite your dad into your life.



Introduce him to your friends. Once you leave the nest, welcome him into your new home. When you marry and have children, include your father in many of your family functions.



4. Arrange activities strictly for you and your dad.



Even if it's an activity you might not fully enjoy, share his interests. Let him teach you to play golf or a card game. Take him to dinner, or join him in outings with friends and family.



5. Visit your father on a regular basis.



Stop and pick up a cup of coffee to take to him as a surprise treat. Don't' wait for his birthday or Father's Day to buy him thoughtful little gifts.



6. Inquire about your dad's life.



Ask him to tell you his "old stories" and record them. He will be proud that you care so much, and as a result, you will learn a lot about his childhood and your heritage.



7. Assist your father as he ages.



Don't treat him like a child. Be patient and understanding. Make sure he can meet his personal care and medicinal needs. Help him with his finances, if possible. Take the time to let him know you'll always be there.
