



Susan 小哭译


我刚读完尼尔. 沙斯特曼的另一本书《地狱边缘》,这本书真好看!我一点也没有想到我会如此地喜欢这本书。我从来也没有喜欢过鬼故事,然而这本主人公是鬼的书,却好看极了!



































































I just finished another one of Neal Shusterman’s books, Everlost, and it was really good! Me liking the book so much was completely unexpected. I’ve never liked ghost stories, and yet this book, whose main characters were ghosts, was amazing!


There’s a few reasons I don’t like ghost stories. One: They all have the same storyline. Seriously, most ghost stories have the same storyline: someone dies, but they have unfinished business on earth, so they tries to get a living person to help them, and in the end, they suceed, and goes happily ever after to the light at the end of the tunnel. Sure, most stories elaborate on that basic storyline, but in the end, they’re all the same. They all have the same feeling to it.


Two: I don’t find ghost stories very interesting. They just don’t have a lot of action in them. Usually, ghost stories are very quick reads for me. They’re either too basic and don’t have an interesting enough plot, or the plot’s way to interesting that it becomes confusing. Ghost story just aren’t like regular fiction, they don’t have that same feeling regular fiction does. They’re boring. Once I read a few of them, the stories start blending into eachother, and they become boring.


However, this book, Everlost, was on a totally different end of the spectrum of ghost stories. The book Everlost was exciting. It was fun to read. It had an intriguing storyline, and it was better than a lot of not-ghost stories I’ve read. Actually, it seems to be more of a “parrallel world” story than a ghost story, because it involved a whole other world made up of ghost children, ghost things, ghost places, etc., and they all overlap the existing, living world.


This book, Everlost, has it’s own storyline. It has a storyline focused on two people, thirteen and fourteen years old, who died but didn’t quite reach the light at the end of the tunnle, and got thrown into the realm of Everlost, which is a parrallel world to the world of the living, made entire of ghost things. Then, it talked about Nick and Allie’s (that’s the two main characters) journey in that land, it’s ups and downs, the people and places they met, how they eventually finally found their goals and their ranks in the world of the non-living, and a lot more! It has a completely different storyline than the usual ghost stories, and a completely different tone of voice. It has nothing to do with finishing their unfinished business on earth or haunting living people. I wouldn’t call it a “ghost story” at all.


Everlost had its own unique storyline that’s exciting and captivating. I just finished the first book, now I’m reading the second, and I can’t put it down! There’s also some romance beginning to creep in, and an air of mystery and anticipation over everything. I really can’t wait until I have time to finish the book, and move on to the next and last one. This book was a little similar to Unwind (well, duh, since they’re both written by the same author). I’m not talking about the story, more about the style of the writing and the feel of the book. And also the characters’ tone of voice (or should it be tones of voices?). I can definitely tell it’s a Neal Shusterman book. This just makes me like his writing even more!


I guess I’ll have to give some basic info about Everlost, since I’ve already talked about all my feelings for it. Everlost is this place, kind of like a parrallel world, that overlaps the existing world. People that die mostly go to the end of the tunnel, where they’re suppose to go to. However, some people, mostly children, some teens, and never any adults, gets bumped on the way, and fall into the walls of that tunnel, into the living world. But to them, it’s not really the same world anymore, it’s another world, a dead world, of Everlost. That’s because people that didn’t make it to the light and get bumped back doesn’t get bumped back with their physical bodies. Their physical bodies die. Their souls wander around in the world, and if they stay in one place too long, they sink to the center of the earth.


Actually, it’s not as desolated as it sounds. When I first read about Everlost on the back cover of the book, I thought it was a dead, hopeless land, but actually, it’s quite exciting. There are places, “dead spots”, where the spirits don’t sink (the lost spirits are called Afterlights, because they glow). Sometimes, the dead spots are as big as buildings and cities. Like the twin towers. Those towers crumbled in the living world, but they remained alive in Everlost. Or like Pompei. That city got covered with ashes in the living world and ceased to exist, but in Everlost, it exists. It’s pretty cool, really. And there’s more people in Everlost that’s imaginable. It’s like a whole new world, not as desolated as it sounds.


There are a few characters in the Everlost that I hate with all my guts. Okay, maybe not hate, because I’m not supposed to hate people. But I strongly dislike them. One is Miss Mary Hightowers. Even the name disgusts me.


Mary call herself the queen of Everlost. Well, she thinks herself that way. She is kind towards everyone. She is kind toward the children, and she likes to think of them as “her children”. They stay under her care and exist in happiness. She has a very forgiving attitude. Even those that are her enemies, she would forgive gladly if they repent and renounce their sins. And it’s not a lie either. She’s as nice and kind on the inside as well as out. However, there’s a catch.


Her views are demented. She has a very good character, but all that accounts to nothing when her beliefs are untrue. She is a wonderful person at heart, and she uses all her power and charms and kindness to acheiver her goals. Goals that she believe would help the entire world of Everlost. Goals that she believes to be pure and kind. Goals that she believe is the very esence of goodness. She work towards those goals with a patience and kind attitude that can’t be compared to. In fact, she is the very meaning of the word “motherly”. She treats everyone as if they were her children. That makes her attitude sort of a know-it-all, but since she does know almost everything, and since her attitude is so sikeningly nice, it’s really hard to hate her. But I do anyway.


Mary is nice. Mary is kind. Mary is good. She stands firm in her beliefs. It’s all wonderful if her beliefs are true and actually good. If her beliefs were right, then she would be a perfectly wonderful person. But what happens when her beliefs turns out to be the blasphemy?


Mary thinks children that make it into Everlost should be protected. She thinks they ought to stay with her and live a safe and happy life for eternity. She thinks they shouldn’t venture out on their own. She thinks that they should all listen to her, and obey her, because she knows best. That’s almost a good thing, except for the fact that Afterlights (half-dead kids like Mary and others) are always at risk of sinking into a routine. After a while, if all they can do is just wander around in Mary’s tower and play board games and such, they start doing the same thing day after day. They start saying the same things day after day. Every day started becoming like a replay of the previous day in Mary’s tower. Everybody does the exact same things, day after day, and probably would for all of eternity, or until the world ends. If someone disturbs their routine, like a newcomer, they’ll just adjust the routine to fit that newcomer in, until the newcomer falls into a routine too. It’s like limbo. And the worst thing is, Mary supports it.


Mary is the only one that’s not in a routine in her tower. She’s the only one that truly knows what’s going on. But she never tells her children about it. She just let them do what they want, she lets them fall into routines, because she believes it’s the right thing. Mary thinks that Afterlights who haven’t found their rountines yet are poor, lost souls. She thinks that they are to be pitied. She truly believes what she is doing is right, that it’s for the best. Well, I don’t really agree with her, but I wouldn't force her to do everything my way, because I think everyone has rights to choose what they want to do with their afterlife. However, Mary doesn’t think that way.


Mary thinks that she have to make sure everyone, every single lost soul, does what she says. Not because she wants power, but because she truly believes that she knows best. That’s what I hate so much about her. Her beliefs are demented, yet she forces others to listen to her. It would all be alright if she doesn’t have so much power, but she does. She has lots of power and influence, and the result? Hundreds of poor children, stuck in an endless routine, while they could all have been doing something productive, like… making Everlost a better world, or something like that.


Okay, I lied, that wasn’t the worst thing. The worst, worst, absolute worst thing is: all Afterlight can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Yup. Afterlights actually aren’t stuck in Everlost after all. With something as simple as a coin, they can buy their journey to the light at the end of the tunnel. Nick discovered that. Now, he’s trying his best to save as many children as he can, giving each of them a coin. And it’s obviously the right thing, because every time as child finally reaches that light, in that instant right before they dissapear from Everlost, their faces are filled with joy. That makes it obvious that the white light is the right place for them to be. Mary knew this. MARY KNEW!! That was the reason why she took the coin of ever single child that come into her care. No, not because she’s evil, but because her beliefs were demented.


Mary thinks that the light at the end of the tunnel can represent the fires of hell. She thinks it’s unknown (true) and therefore dangerous (untrue). She thinks that it is evil. She thinks that all children should be protected from going there. And therefore, she thinks that falling out of the tunnel and into Everlost is the best thing that’s happened to all afterlights. Her dementia goes as far as this: she would kill innocent children, and then prevent them from reaching the light at the end of the tunnel, forever trapping them in Everlost. She does it all the time. She seeks out children, kill them, and prevents them from reaching the light on purpose. How horrible is that? And Mary loves Jill (that’s the person with the power to kill children and trap them in Everlost. She works for Mary). She thinks Jill is amazing. She thinks that what Jill is doing is amazing. She believes that Jill is saving lives, preventing children from reaching that horrible, horrible glow.


Again, I’m fine with her believing that herself, but pushing that belief on other people? Lying to them and saying that they are never going be able to get anywhere other than Everlost? Purposely not telling them about how they can use their coins to finish their journey? Taking away people choices? NO! That’s plain wrong! Yes, Mary might be doing that with the lost children’s best interests at heart. Mary might even be right about the light. But she shouldn’t prevent people from making their own choices! Mary’s worst enemy is Nick, who’s goal in afterlife is to help people reach the end of the tunnel. Mary spread lies about Nick to get people to stay away from him. So, in short, Mary isn’t the pristine, good, and perfect motherly queen of Everlost that she thinks she is. She’s just a naive, stupid, too-pretty-for-her-own-good, empty-headed fake know-it-all that unfortunately happens to be a tremendous influence in the lives of those in Everlost.


When I found out in the end of the book Everlost that it was possible to reach the light, I was overjoyed. I had thought all my favorite characters were going to be forever stuck in limbo, with no purpose to their afterlife, until no only did they find a purpose in their existence, they found a way out of limbo! It was wonderful. The first book, Everlost, ended on such a joyful and hopeful note that I wouldn’t’ve minded if there was no sequel at all! It was the same with Unwind, the first book of the Unwind Dystology. Both of these books by Neal Shusterman ended with a hope, with purpose. They both had a very strong ending. If I hadn’t known beforehand that there were more books to the series, I would’ve thought that was the ending to the story. And I would’ve been perfectly satisfied with the ending, even though nothing’s really been resolved.


This is one of the resons I like Shusterman so much. When the first book in the series had an almost-perfect ending, I thought there was no possible way the second and third book would be able to connect to that ending. However, it turned out that I was totally wrong! The second book (in both of the serieses) were as good as the first one! The transition was smooth and effortless. The first book was great on its own. The two books together were amazing. I can only imagine what the third book woud be like!


I really can’t wait to finish the second book and start on the third. I’ve never imagined I’d like ghost stories, least of all a story where the main character is a ghost, but it seems that I’ve fallen in love with Everlost! I don’t which one’s better, Unwind, or Everlost. They certainly have that same feeling all of Shusterman’s books have. A good feeling. I like it. This just proves even more that Shusterman is definitely my favorite author.