Susan暑假作文读后感(5)-- 马可.波罗(极不喜欢的一本书)




Susan 小哭译














对了,Susan开篇提到的“马可.波罗”游戏,是孩子们在游泳池中非常非常常见的玩法!!!当时她还没有进游泳队的时候,我们在摩顿的YMCA开放时间去玩水,泳池里随便相识的几个孩子就会玩起这个游戏。后来她参加了二年半的游泳队,第一年的年度总结庆祝那天,最后一项是大家在游泳池里随便玩,这群大大小小的孩子们又在池子里玩起了“马可. 波罗”的游戏。唉,一说游泳,我就觉得伤心。我那么给Susan创造锻炼身体的机会,除了游泳她一项也做不了,最后游泳总算是可以跟着玩了,她还非得要放弃,理由就是人家游得太快了,她跟着太累。现在她没有任何的运动项目,一想这事儿我就感到无奈。我们经济紧张的那阵子,我舍不得钱办健身卡, 也舍不得钱找临时保姆,自己只能靠着天天推着小宝到处走当做运动。可就算是那样,也没有舍不得给她参加游泳队。如今条件慢慢地变好了,健身房也给她办了年卡,可是她却一个月都不跟我去一趟。她在家时,每次我去都会叫她一声,可是每次她都说忙。但是每周去参加教会的活动,她可从来也没有因为忙而放弃过,甚至有的时候会因为一段时间没有读经祷告而在一家人饭前祷告时不停地检讨。以前我强迫她去锻炼,她死命不去,家里因此鸡飞狗跳。现在我只是叫她一声而已,家里倒是安静了,可我内心里却一点也安静不了了。唉,老妈。



Marco Polo

We all know the game Marco Polo, right? The “Marco” person closes their eyes, shouts out “Marco?”, and the rest of the people in the game have to shout out “Polo!”. They keep on doing that until the “Marco” person manages to tag someone following that person’s voice, and then the person that’s tagged becomes the “Marco”. It’s a fun game, especially if there’s a lot of people. I’ve played it a lot. And sometimes, I’ve wondered, who in the world is Marco Polo?


Well, as usual with my wonderings, I wondered about it for a while, asks my friends, they shrug and tell me they have no idea, and I forget about it. Until my mom checks out a library book for me about Marco Polo, titled “Marco Polo”.


The book was an informational non-fiction book, and it came in the same pile as all the other informational non-fiction books my mom checked out for me. I was a bit diasapointed in the title. It sounded really boring and unoriginal. I’m sure there are countless other books out there titled “Marco Polo”. I wish its subtitle was a bit more interesting. Instead of just “History’s Great Adventurer”, the author should’ve added “and the man who mistook a tiger for a big lion with black, white, and orange stripes”. That would’ve been way more hooking than the usual “Marco Polo”.


The book looked very interesting, though, despite its boring title. It was a big book, about thirty very thick pages, and bigger than my laptop widthwise and lengthwise. But that wasn’t what made it look so interesting: the front and back covers were hardcover. With a size that big and in hardcover, the book looked pretty impressive. Its front cover openes like a door, with two flaps, and a fake picture of a lock in the middle. The dark blue background and shadowing images of maps on it, and campasses and pictures lies on the forground, making it look as if they were scattered on the map. It looked very 3 dimensional, as if I could just pick the pictures right of of the book. And inside the book, there were lots of of flaps that I can open that have more information in them about certain subjects. The flaps were sometimes in the shape of a journal, or a piece of rock, or money… that made the whole book look very interesting and realistic.


What about the actual content of the book? Well… that’s really hard to describe. I mean, it wasn’t really bad or boring, but it wasn’t really fun to read either. I think the problem was, there was too much information. When I read the short summary of Marco Polo’s life at the beginning of the book, I really wanted to know more about his story, because his life has got to be the most interesting life story I’ve ever heard. However, once I started reading further, the book started bombarding me with dates and geographical places I have no idea about. There was so much unessasary information that by the time I was halfway throught the book, I was completely confused about when’s when, who’s who, and what’s what.


It wasn’t just the dates and numbers that confused me, though that was a big reason. It was also the unessassary information. The book was less about ‘Marco Polo’ than it was about ‘the histories and cultures and detailed information about the places, people, and things that Marco Polo encountered’. All the pretty flaps and pictures were about things that have almost nothing to do with Marco Polo (other than the fact that Marco Polo encountered or heard about them), and most of them doesn’t even mention Marco Polo in them! If I want to learn about Asian history, I would’ve picked up an Asian history book! I don’t care about the fact that fermented mare’s milk was stored in ceramic jugs and drunk from bowls that were often passed hand to hand! I want to know about Marco Polo, and two thirds of the information in this book have nothing to with him!


Another really frustrating thing was (other than the too many useless information), the book doesn’t really tell us about Marco Polo as a person. All I know about him are his travels: he went there, did that, the end. I have no idea what he’s like as a person! I don’t know anything about his thoughts! All the stuff about a person that matters to me is excluded in this book! How frustrating is that? All the useless stuff was included, the important stuff excluded. Sure, now when people ask me about Marco Polo, I’ve got a lot of facts to tell them, but nothing really tells me about him as a person.


After I finished the book, I felt awful. My thoughts were something like: “I just spend a whole forty-five minutes of my precious life on that?” There was so much information, I’m not going to be able to remember half of them, though the half I do remember would be more than enough to teach me to stay away from huge hardcover books that look ornate and pretty but are actually boring. I was looking forward to reading a story about Marco Polo, not the history of the world! This book would’ve been great for those European dudes back in the thirteenth century who knew hardly anything about what’s outside of Europe and really wants to know more, but not for me. One: I’m not European. Two: I don’t live in the thirteenth century. And three: I can’t care less about how mare’s milk is fermented.


Okay, maybe that first two was a bit of a stretch, but the last one’s true. I really don’t care about most of the information in the book. I’m not saying it’s a bad book, some people may like it. I don’t hate it, I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would’ve. The book shouldn’t’ve been titled “Marco Polo, History’s Great Adventurer”. It should’ve been titled “Marco Polo, and the World’s Great History ”. If you like to learn about the world’s great history… go ahead, and read the book.