


Susan 小哭译

































Time in the Car


The place my family and I spent the longest at during my vacation was the car. That’s to be expected for a road trip, right? No, we didn’t sleep in the car (not the nights, thought I did take naps), but we spent four and a half days in it! That’s almost half of my whole vacation! Since we were going to spend so long in the car, I wanted to make sure I bring enough things to entertain myself with. Turned out I brought a bit too much, and most of them useless.


First of all, there was my computer and headphones. I can do quite a lot with my computer and headphones—listen to music, read and edit stuff I’ve written, write more of my novle, and watch a few movies I’ve downloaded.  Another important thing was my big book of puzzles. It contains hundreds of riddles, logic problems, seemingly- impossible-but-actually-possible number puzzles, and a bunch more puzzles I don’t even know how to describe. I also brought along two books and some drawing supplies just in case those earlier items get too boring.


Well, in the end, most of the stuff I brought along couldn’t be used in the car, according to my mom. I can’t read books in the car, because it’s bad for my eyes. Fine, I understand that. But I can’t work on my puzzles either! That’s a tad unfair. Looking at the diagrams won’t hurt my eyes that much! They’re not small, they’re not unlear, I can see them very clearly. And for each puzzle, there’s only a few easy-to-read words I have to strain my eyes on. But, nope, my mom won’t budges. So in the end, I couldn’t read the big book of puzzles either. It turned out that drawing in the , since the car is always vibrating or shaking, making straight lines into uneven zigzags. That left only the computer!


Something else I haven’t planned on doing was taking care of my little brother. He’s four, and being stuck in a car for four days and a half (total, not four days in a row) is pretty hard for him. I had to entertain him ever now and then, playing chess with him, letting him win at chess, telling him stories, playing with his cars… my favorite times in the car was when he fell asleep. However, he was surprisingly easy to take care of. He could entertain himself up to an hour, and then I’ll play with him for a few minutes, and he’ll entertain himself again, and then we’ll be stopping at a rest stop, where my parents take over.


Speaking of rest stops, those were annoying and refreshing at the same time. Usually, I was glad to be able to get out of the car and stretch, and I was always glad for food. We ate at McDonalds for most of our meals, and it was great! I’ve finally figured out how the food menu works and how to order a meal without having the couter person asking me constant questions that I don’t understand. I love our McDonald meals. However, sometimes, I really didn’t want to get out of the car, because I was really comfortable in there, listening to K-Pop and One Direction. I didn’t like the idea of having to push away my blanket, turn off the music, put on my shoes, and walk to the bathroom. But I did need some fresh air, so I got out of the car despite my own protests.


Overall, my time in the car was wonderful. I listen to the same twenty songs over and over and over, and I never got bored of them. I made myself a very comfortable den in the backseat, with a small blanket and a big blanket (It was summer, but the air conditioning made the inside of our car feel like it’s winter!). The food from McDonalds was great, especially the McFlurries. I didn’t have to take care of my little brother too much. And the best thing—I didn’t have to do homework (from my mom)! It was a welcomed break from all the rush and hustle of visiting places and people. I couldn’t have wished for a better four and a half days in a car than those.

予微 (2013-09-06 19:21:12)



周小哭 (2013-09-06 22:35:56)

要天时、地利、人和才行! 当我想显摆一下我的辛苦与努力时,Susan有天份这事儿就让人觉得那可能才是真正的原因:(

不管怎么说,我得让人家知道,我在她的写作道路上曾经做过怎么样的努力。Susan这枚小小的写作美女,是怎么样通过七年的努力炼成的:)她实现的具体目标不可复制,但是她实现某类目标的方法还是具有可复制性的。不过前提是,哪个妈妈愿意复制小哭付出的辛苦与努力,卡卡......Tongue Out

心桥 (2013-09-10 05:24:39)

这么享受 road trip 的孩子,内心一定丰富而深刻。如果您的朋友曾经拜读过 Susan 受洗礼时写下的感想,她一定不会去担心“拜金”的可能。现在 Susan 写作已经这样流畅,随着生活阅历的增加,以后一定会有质的突变。期待!

周小哭 (2013-09-10 13:20:26)
